
灵书妙探 第一季 Castle Season 1-第08集


类型:犯罪 / 剧情 / 悬疑地区:美国年份:2009

导演:巴比特 / 鲍曼 / 罗伯 / 特莱斯基 / 里特 / 海伦 / 乔纳森 / 谢费 / 弗雷克斯 / 约翰

演员:罗德尼 / 卡普拉 / 迈克尔 / 格拉汉姆 / 阿莱克斯 / 卡西米尔 / 弗伦奇 / 莫妮卡 / 威廉姆 / 库努尔 / 斯米托洛维奇 / 杰西 / 迈耶 / 安吉尔 / 布拉梅尔





侦探小说家Richard Castle(内森·菲利安 Nathan Fillion 饰)因为一起连环杀人案结识了纽约警局的Kate Beckett(斯坦娜·卡蒂克 Stana Katic 饰),并对她产生了浓厚的兴趣。虽然Beckett强烈反对,Castle最终还是凭借 自己发达的人脉,在纽约警局“赖”了下来,跟在Beckett身后办案以寻找写作灵感。性格和背景迥异的两人在不断的斗嘴与摩擦中竟然渐渐培养出了默契,成了名符其实的最佳搭档。但Castle不顾Beckett的反对,私下调查Beckett母亲多年前的命案,一度导致两人的关系一度陷入僵局。当Richard那种 "随心所欲"、"自由散漫" 的作风与Beckett那种程序化的保守作风相抵触时,争论随之而来,火花也随之而来。是危险,还是浪漫?



  • 来自网友【时间旅行者】的评论       需要多么扭曲的灵魂,才能担任这部剧的编剧呢? 老高帅富才子邂逅高智商白富美,两人携手在凶手与尸体间跳起了tango. 看他俩时而眉来眼去、时而针锋相对地斗嘴,凶案现场顿时变成快乐大本营,实事上看到后来,我已不太介意凶手是谁、或推理的罗辑性,注意完全放在几个主要人物的对话上,感觉就象是在看群口相声,被害人谁杀的?who cares? 要说这是部犯罪剧,那真是要多不靠谱有多不靠谱,不过要当成情景喜剧来看,还是有相当的水准的。      另外castle的女儿小castle是首席萌点,希望下一季有更多出场机会。从第一季看到第二季,小castle胸部发育很是迅猛啊,要是这部剧长寿的话,两过几季,小castle都要长成熟女了,呵呵。
  • 来自网友【爱纯粹】的评论一个关于漂漂detective纽约女(Kate Beckett)和她又爱又恨的famous作家小孩男(Rick Castle) surrounded by 两个cop和一堆body的故事。妹妹1.75m,模特身材,哥哥1.87m,“坏坏惹人爱”,俩都是Canadian。本剧的可爱之处还在于一个body出现的时候背景音乐不但不恐怖还清脆好听(比如第一季第十集)。我所谓的精华指的是除了破案的blah blah,本剧的幽默,what‘s life without laughes?故事梗概(来自百度)      Richard Castle是纽约城里声明煊赫的侦探悬疑小说家。最初,他完全是依靠自己的兴趣虚构了Derrick Storm这个小说中的神勇干探,在Castle天马行空的想象之中,Derrick Storm侦破了无数的大案要案,每一宗悬疑案件背后总有不为人知的惊天秘密,每一个杀手都会用层出不穷的作案手法为警官Derrick Storm出下种种难题,但真凶总是会被Derrick Storm一一抓获。 在Derrick Storm系列小说风靡了十余年之后,已经感到厌烦的Richard Castle正式决定将这个悬疑系列小说终结,他果断地把Derrick Storm写死了,很多人都说Castle把摇钱树砍掉了,但Castle坚信自己能够再度创造新的畅销系列小说,虽然他现在一个字也写不出,但他依然不慌不忙,他相信生活中总是会有惊喜带给他灵感。 在Derrick Storm系列小说终极版发布的庆祝酒会上,,一个美女突然又来找Richard Castle搭话,他原本以为又是那个粉丝来要签名,不过这位美女马上出示了自己的警员证,她叫Kate Beckett,她是来带Richard Castle回警局协助调查,因为一名出身豪门的女社工被人杀害了!而且案犯杀入的手法和Castle一本小说中描写的如出一辙,更要命的是,这个案犯已经犯下了两起案件,看来一个疯狂的粉丝正在用极端的手法向Castle“致敬”,Castle这下真的是卷入了漩涡之中…… 第一季第一集背景:Beckett找到正在售书签名party上的Castle,带到警局询问关于他的copycat谋杀。事实证明,男人不坏女人不爱,flirting是门艺术。Beckett: You''ve got quite a rap sheet for a best-selling author. Disorderly conduct, resisting arrest?Castle: Boys will be boys.Beckett: It says here that you stole a police horse?Castle: Borrowed.Beckett: Ah. And you were nude at the time.Castle: It was spring.Beckett: And everytimg, the charges were dropped.Castle: What can I say? The mayor is a fan. But if it makes you feel any better, I'd be happy to let you spank me. 加点解释:rap sheet 是刑事登记表,Castle犯过扰乱社会治安,拘捕,还裸体偷走警局巡逻马(个人疑惑是sex之后被fans逮住)不过因为跟市长是好哥们,都未被起诉。于是,Castle好心给Beckett一点惩罚自己的建议:SM。第一季第四集背景:调查一个裹在酒店地毯里翘辫子的倒霉鬼,跟着Beckett的两cop——Ryan和Esposito正在翻垃圾箱找证据。事实证明,Esposito是个洁癖男。Esposito: Even if you pay me, I'm still not gonna take that rug.Ryan: You telling me you lived in New York your whole life, and you never scored a piece of roadkill?Esposito: Roadkill?Ryan: It's an accepted practice, bro. When you're done with your old stuff, You leave it on the street for those less fortunate--Artists, students, former hedge fund managers,It's trickle-down economics at its finest.Esposito: Yeah, well, I prefer not to be trickled.Ryan: You know that red couch I have?Esposito: The one you like so much? Don't you say it, bro.Ryan: 54th and Lex.Esposito: That's gross. Gross. We are never playing Madden at your place again.加点解释: roadkill是一种把自己不用的东西留在街上让一些人(用Ryan的话:艺术家,学生,原对冲基金经理)拿走的行为,而Ryan自己也当过抚恤对象,从54街和Lex交界拿来一个红色沙发,当场让常去Ryan家坐沙发上玩麦登橄榄球(电子游戏)的Esposito恶心吐血。第一季第六集背景:走私假证件的案子。Beckett和Castle在一个店铺对面,这是个有TV有摄像头的store。对着橱窗镜子Castle都能自恋一番。Beckett: Castle!Castle: I'm on TV.Beckett: Are you having a breakdown?Castle: Not a breakdown, a breakthrough. And I really am ruggedly handsome, am I?Beckett: -_- I'm waiting for the breakthrough.加点解释:breakdown 一般是神经崩溃的说法,经典的那句是:我还真的是全身散发着粗犷美(ruggedly handsome)~~~哈哈第一季第七集背景:一个盗窃珠宝的主,嫌疑被抓,Beckett审问来着,这主的回答很搞笑。Beckett: Tell me about the gun, Mr. Mitchell.Mitchell: Well, I'm not talking without a lawyer.Beckett: Why? Are you guilty of something?Mitchell: Yeah, of not running fast enough when your boys showed.加点解释:看过Shark很多遍,对律师这个职责了解更深,警察和检察官,希望的是嫌疑犯在辩护律师来之前就招供,一旦律师来,搜查需要warrant,warrant需要probable cause,基本上就米有容易的线索。所以狡猾的油条一般会说句:I'm not talking until I have my lawyer. 不过这哥们把有罪提高到一个新的等级:我是有罪,你们来的时候我跑的不够快。第一季第九集背景:开案前的chit chat,Ryan带了个艳蓝色圈圈的领带,笑死所有人。事实证明,Ryan是个受,大家嘲笑他是honey milk。Castle: Whoh~~~ Sorry, sorry about that. Tie took me a little by surpirse.Everyone: (laugh)Ryan: Okay, get it all out. This is a gift from my girlfriend.Esposito: Girlfriend?Ryan: Today's our 2-week anniversary.Everyone: Woo~~~Espostito: Two weeks. Is that the paper or the silk?Castle: I believe it's the whipped.Ryan: Good one.加点解释:Esposito问的是两周没有年还庆祝,不知道是纸婚还是丝婚,Castle解释是鞭婚。Get it all out这里指的是要笑就趁现在。第一季第十集一背景:Castle的可爱小女儿Alexis为参加prom准备dress。Alexis试穿多条Castle都说you look beautiful,而fashionable的奶奶Martha却能挑到perfect dress。事实证明,男人和女人的审美基本上是偏差很大的,而爸爸不是个好的帮助对象。Martha: Oh, god. No. Hideous. Alexis: Thank you.Martha: Here. Try this. All right. Good color for you.Castle: What are u doing?Martha: What?Castle:"You look hideous"? Are you trying to give her body-image issues?Martha: Oh news flash, she already have body-image issue, it's an intrinsic part of being a woman. Everyone in the world has some part of herself that she absolutely hates. Her hands are too small, her feet are too big, her hair's too straight, her ears stick out, her-oh, god- her butt's too flat(refer to herself when she's looking at the mirror) her nose is too big, and, you know, nothing you can say will change how we feel. What men don't understand is, the right clothes, the right clothes, the right shoes, the right makeup just- it hides the flaws we think we have. They make us look beautiful to ourselves. That's what makes us look beautiful to others.Castle: Used to be...All she needed to feel beautiful was a pink tutu and a plastic tiara.Martha: We spend our whole lives trying to feel that way again.加点解释:pink tutu and plastic tiara 老爸Castle感叹女儿长大了,曾经只需要粉色芭蕾舞裙和塑料皇冠就能觉得漂亮。而现代奶奶这言论,让我想起我小姨,啊,女人。。。二背景: Prom是美国中学生的一个重要的social party,习俗是男生来接打扮好的女生,这时候女生她爹就有机会用各种不同方式告诉男生:你小子皮绷紧点,别对我女儿动手动脚!Beckett: So did Alexis find a dress yet?Castle: Yeah, a cut one, too. Boy, I can't believe my little girl's going to prom. My only comfort now is the long-standing tradition of torturing the boyfriend.Byan: What do you mean?Castle: You know, the time-hornored hazing that goes on in those few moments we share where he and I are alone just before my daughter descends that stairs.Ryan: I remember the terror of meeting my date's old man.Castle: What did he do?Ryan: Checked my wallet for condoms. Showed me his gun collection. My hands were shaking so bad, I could barely put corsage on.Castle: what'd your dad do?Beckett: I...I don't know. I was in my room. Castle: How was your date when you finally came out?Beckett: You know what. Now that you mention it, he looked terrified, and this whole time, I thought he was scared of me. Castle: Nope. And now it's my turn.Ryan: What are you planning?Castle: Something be fitting name the Castle.加点解释: Castle所指的他风格的恐吓就是穿着一件血衣,抱着一个人脑袋出现,是的,Castle风格就是小孩心性。想起来Lie to me的Cal,打开门对女儿的date说:Are you going to have sex with my daughter tonight? 呵呵,可爱的prom习俗。第二季第一集背景:尸检官Lanie Parish是个black小女人,观察力强,有时挺搞笑。这次她正在检查挂在树上的一body,底下的四个人跟她打屁。Castle: It's raining men. (气象女孩一首歌)Lanie: Castle, what are you doing here?Beckett: Don't worry, we're still mad at him.Ryan: Guy in a tree, mom and dad bickering--Seems like old times.Beckett: How is going up there?Lanie: I got tree branches poking my boobs, and spotlights shinning up my booty.Esposito: Could be worse. Could be wearing a skirt.Lanie: When I came down, I'm gonna smack you.加点解释:这里Beckett说的mad at him是因为Castle的出版社带了一群易装穿警服的女孩到警局玩。而Lanie胸插树枝,屁屁照闪光灯的时候还被嘲笑,难怪要说“等我下去,我要揍扁你们”。第二季第十二集背景:bridesmaid down案件,这伴娘Sophie把伴郎Mike下迷药迷昏了,然后色诱新郎,Castle和那个伴郎都不理解下迷药的目的。Beckett: Walk me through what happened with you and Sophie last night.Mike: She came on to me is what happened. Acted all flirty, brought me a drink. Castle: A drink spiked with roofies.Mike: Yeah, nuts, right? I mean, who roofies a guy? All a girl has to do is ask.Castle: Mmm.加点解释:一句话道尽事实——All a girl has to do is ask. 要sex可以,说要就是了。Sheldon童鞋说: That you're thinking with your genitals.第二季第十七集背景:不只是Castle有粉丝,Castle书中以Beckett为原本的Nikki Heat的粉丝也来了,杀了一堆人制造名声宣称警方failure,Castle因为写Nikki给Beckett带来麻烦的愧疚,在Beckett家沙发上呆一晚上“保护”她。早上起床还给做pancake。出门拿报纸发现新的body就在门口。来看看大家过来检查现场怎么嘲笑这Beckett眼中"complicated relationship"。(Ryan看似对witness的Beckett问讯实则打探)Ryan: So you had just gotten up, right?Beckett: Yeah, Castle just finished making breakfast, and he went to the door--Ryan: What kind of breakfast?Beckett: Uh, I'm sorry?Ryan: What kind of breakfast was he making?Beckett: ?_?...Pancakes.Ryan: Well, isn't that domestic?Beckett: -_- ...Anyway, the paper usually arrives at 4:00, and we were up at 7:00, so that means the killer had a 3-hour window where he could've left the body there unnoticed.Ryan: And exactly what time did you and Mr. Castle go to bed last night?Beckett: -_- ...I think we're done here.(接下来是Ryan和Esposito对Castle的问讯)Esposito: Dude, I see Beckett in her jammies...wine glasses on the table.Castle: There's nothing going on with Beckett and me. No more than there was yesterday.Ryan: Dude, you made her pancakes?Castle: It's just breakfast.Esposito: Pancakes is not just breakfast. It's an edible way of saying, "Thank you so much for last night"Ryan: Castle, come on. We're your friends. Details.Castle: (loudly) There are no details.Esposito: I can't even look at you right now.Ryan: Witness refuses to cooperate. 加点解释:八卦之心人人有之,而最好玩的时候就是在两人搞暧昧的时候。这里Ryan和Esposito对早上Castle做pancakes的动机紧抓不放,domestic指居家,是Ryan在笑话Castle,最后一句就真的是LOL。