
办公室 第五季 The Office Season 5-第03集


类型:爱情 / 剧情 / 喜剧地区:美国年份:2008

导演:卡皮斯 / 弗雷斯特 / 费格 / 保罗 / 立博斯坦 / 塞罗塔 / 莫昌特 / 斯戴芬 / 艾森伯格 / 杰弗里

演员:琼斯 / 奥斯卡 / 巴克达尔 / 瑞克 / 格兰特 / 斯图普尼兹基 / 康薇 / 罗格尔 / 赫尔姆斯 / 索耶 / 艾森伯格 / 里奇 / 阿赛尔顿 / 埃文 / 迈克尔


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在本季的开始,迈克尔(史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 Steve Carell 饰)试图吸引霍莉(艾米·莱安 Amy Ryan 饰),并最终成功,但大卫·华莱士将她转移到了另一个分支部门,迫使两人在关系在刚开始时就结束了。与此同时,吉姆(约翰·卡拉辛斯基 John Krasinski 饰)和帕姆(珍娜·费舍 Jenna Fischer 饰)则试图克服帕姆在纽约学习艺术时的异地恋困难。而当新老板查尔斯·迈纳(伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴 Idris Elba 饰)上任时,给迈克尔带来了不少麻烦,迈克尔最终无法应对他的变化,于是带着帕姆和瑞安(B·J·诺瓦克 B.J. Novak 饰)辞职并成立了自己的公司,尝试进行全新的创业行动。



  • 来自网友【米娅❧】的评论首先引用Wikipedia上面对Season 5的简介:Jim and Pam become engaged, and she ultimately returns from New York to Scranton, where Jim has bought his parents' house for the two of them. Ryan returns to Dunder Mifflin as a temp. Michael initiates a romance with Holly until she is transferred to the Nashua, New Hampshire branch and the relationship ends.When Andy is made aware of Dwight and Angela's continued affair, both men leave herNewly hired Vice President Charles Miner implements a rigid managerial style over the branch that causes Michael to resign in protestMichael opens the Michael Scott Paper Company, enticing Pam and Ryan to join as salespeople,In a buyout of the Michael Scott Paper Company, the three are rehired with Pam promoted to sales and Ryan returning as a temp. During the chaos, new receptionist Erin is hired to fill the vacancy originally left by Pam. The season's finale ends with a cliffhanger ending hinting that Pam might be pregnant.看过太多狗血男女美剧,惊天地泣鬼神的动人爱情故事经常用夸张的情节掩饰情感的苍白和生硬的转折。最爱的,是the office里面Jim & Pam。也许是效仿了英式黑色幽默,直到今天看完第八季,也没有出现过大喜大悲的drama,导演没特别费力去诠释一个角色,一切就跟生活一样顺着时间轴往前走,两人酝酿出情感,动摇,然后怀疑,坚定,直到第五季的主线都是J & P的爱情。但是又不那么突兀,两人没有激情片段,没有狗血对白,就像生活里爱上一个人,喜欢,在一起,能被写进小说的,就得靠夸张了。看到两人婚礼那一集的时候,被感动的一塌糊涂。一遍又一遍的重播那一集。在youtube上看过那个婚礼的创意,但是看到the office把这个搬上荧屏的时候,甚至比youtube的那个版本还更有真实感。他们演了五年,也没超过三句love u的话。你就像隐形在这个办公室的一员,随着自己的成长,注视一对很合拍的情侣终于结婚。我一直觉得Micheal喜欢Pam,网上有个专门截取了他俩单独在一起的片段的视频。零零散散在各季。Wikipedia上面解释Micheal这个角色的时候,也直接说他对Pam一直有好感。第七季M离开Dunder Mifflin的结尾,Pam光着脚跑到机场和他告别,远距离镜头下听不见他们说什么,没有狗血的眼泪或是狗血的“离开后才感悟”这样的东西,是对他们感情最好的结局。这一季最经典的桥段是Micheal带着Pam和Ryan成立自己的纸业公司。另一个经典,是Andy和Dwight之间战争的爆发。如果说J&P是爱情的主线,那D&Angela的爱情则是横贯整整八季的暗线。Dwight是office这个剧的点睛之笔和真正的灵魂人物。第八季可以没有micheal让我依然对此剧爱得要命,甚至觉得S8是继S5之后的第二个经典Season。但是不能没有Dwight。我不知道怎么形容Dwight,他个性如此鲜明而又复杂。引用wiki好了:Rainn Wilson, who was cast as the power-hungry sycophant Dwight Schrute, watched every episode of the series before he auditioned Wilson had originally auditioned for Michael, a performance he described as a "terrible Ricky Gervais impersonation"; however, the casting directors liked his audition as Dwight much more and hired him for the role.Although Dwight acts superior to many individuals and is often resourceful in crises, he is shown to actually be quite gullible, ignorant, and naïve幸好,幸好剧组把他定位到Dwight这个角色上!用power-hungry来形容他倒是很有涵盖性。但我还想补充的是,he is fragile and sensitive,he pretends to be powerful and undefeatedbut deeply inside, he values love and friendship more than he assumed to be.Dwight对Angela的爱,在这一季的冲突中表现的最叫人伤感。当A的猫死了,A决定和D分手,结束这段地下情,没有镜头直接表明D多难过什么的。J&P入住Dwight的Scrute Farm的夜晚,Jim听到Dwight像猫叫一样的哭声,Dwight穿个白色背心坐在床上,手里拿着A最后留在他家的东西。就这么一个短镜头,一切不言中。一般引进新的角色都是个大风险,尤其是替换掉之前的角色形象,不过Erin的出现和下一季Gabe都证明了office在角色重塑上的非凡功力。Erin和Pam性格不同,俩人虽然都是傻大姐,但一个外向一个闷骚,各有各的好。听说第九季又有角色离开,实在舍不得。因为这部剧,真的是所有美剧中最爱的。还好的还好,在网上看到这么一段话:Despite the news report, Wilson tweeted "Don't believe everything you read in the press, OK?".[跟别人经常推荐,但没有从头开始看的,或者不习惯黑色幽默的,都无法接受。真正爱上这部电视剧的,太难找到,但是一旦爱上了,才发现它的经典,任何都替代不了。
  • 来自网友【寒雨笑】的评论I would say that the 5th season have made a big progress in major plot. When we feel like this is just another season with all the gags and giglings, the director just surprises us with Michael lefting DM and starting his own business. Meanwhile, we, the audience, start to see the other side of all characters. Pam follows Michael’s way with her guts and becomes a salesman eventually. Michael shows ability of his convincing skills, even though he still didn’t work out how to run his own company. Andy becomes kinda cute, he makes friends with Dwight and is being nice to Jim. Mike loses Dwight’s loyalty and Jim tries to be a butt-kisser for the first time, while Dwight makes a good prank on J&P. (Can you believe this?) It’s just so good to know that everyone is complicated, human beings are complicated. Though I haven’t finish this season yet, I kinda know that Mike and Holly are getting back together (the abstract on Netflix is such a spoiler), and I’m thrilled with that too. So with all these factors I listed above, this is definitely the best season so far for me.Update: OK so the word “REUNITED” doesn’t mean they are getting back together. That’s a bummer since they are apparently the soulmate to each other. But Pam’s pregnet so yay still my favourite season! XD