


类型:冒险 / 剧情 / 科幻地区:内详年份:2006

导演:斯特朗 / 泽夫 / 詹姆斯 / 哈维斯 / 詹姆斯 / 格雷姆 / 尤洛斯 / 哈珀

演员:科林斯 / 克拉克 / 阿卓艾 / 田纳特 / 伊恩 / 汉摩尔 / 罗恩 / 斯特鲁恩 / 诺埃尔 / 德里克 / 卡蜜尔 / 里德尔 / 大卫 / 西弗斯 / 保利娜








  • 来自网友【W.】的评论 《神秘博士》第二季由大卫·田纳特(David Tennant)饰演新一季的Doctor,并进行再次的时空冒险;博士 对于新的博士,只能说是憨憨的,还有就是与女主罗斯·泰勒进行首次的TARDIS冒险,并且来到一家由奇怪的猫人经营的阴险医院;女主角罗斯 还有就是罗斯的离开对于博士影响很大,正如“I'm burning up a sun, just to say goodbye”.表示了博士对于罗斯的爱意吧! 神秘博士的旅行看点在于人物塑造,还有就是博士所到不同时空所遇到的奇事也伴随危机发生,整体氛围在于博士的幽默感,以及应对危机的能力和勇气。
  • 来自网友【山河千页】的评论【DOCTOR WHO s2e13】 Rose:Last night I had a dream. I heard a voice, and it was calling my name. I told Mum and Dad and Mickey. Anyone else would think I was mad, but not those three. They believed it, because they've met the Doctor. So they listened to the dream. And that night, we packed up. Got into Dad's pld jeep and off we went. Just like the dream said. We followed the voice. Crossed the water, kept on driving, hundreds and hundreds of miles. Because he's calling. Here I am at last. And this is the story of how I died. Rose: Where are you? Doctor: Inside the Tardis. There's one tiny little gap in the universe left, just about to close. And it takes a lot of power to send this projection--I'm in orbit around a supernova. I'm burning up a sun, just to say goodbye. Rose: You look like a ghost. Doctor: Hold on. Rose: Can I ...(touch you)? Doctor: I'm still just an image. No touch. Rose: Can't you come through properly? Doctor: The whole thing would fracture. Two universes would collapse. Rose: So? Doctor: Where are we? Where did the gap come out? Rose: We're in Norway. Doctor: Norway! Right. Rose: About 50 miles out of Bergen. It's called Darlig Ulv Stranden. Doctor: Dalek? Rose: Darlig. It's Norwegian for bad. This translates as Bad Wolf Bay. How long have we got? Doctor: About two minutes. Rose: I can't think of what to say! Doctor: You've still got Mr. Mickey, then. Rose: There's five of us now. Mum, Dad, Mickey, and the baby. Doctor: You're not ...? Rose: No! It's Mum. She's three months gone. More Tylers on the way. Doctor: And what about you, what are you...? Rose: Yeah, I'm back working in the shop. Doctor: Oh, good for you. Rose: Shut up! Nah, I'm not. The Torchwood on this planet's still open for business. I think I know a thing or two about aliens. Doctor: Rose Tyler. Defender of the Earth. You're dead, officially, back home. So many people died that day, and you've gone missing. You're on a list of the dead. Here you are, living a life, day after day. The one adventure I can never have. Rose: Am I ever going to see you again? Doctor: You can't. Rose: What are you going to do? Doctor: I've got the Tardis. Same old life. Last of the Time Lords. Rose: On your own. I ...I love you. Doctor: Quite right too. And I suppose, if it's my last chance to say it, Rose Tyler ...