
金三角群英会 金三角群英會-正片




演员:张兆 / 大岛由加利 / 李浩群 / 盖瑞 / 卡威 / 马安 / 李赛凤 / 黄光亮 / 梁财 / 克劳馥 / 索非亚 / 丹尼尔斯 / 吴家丽 / 姚文基 / 斯里汗讷鲁特


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'Mission of Justice' is an offering from the girls-with-guns genre that probably isn't as memorable as 'Yes, Madam', the 'In The Line Of Duty' saga, or the 'Angel' films(which were made prior to 'MOJ' and also star Moon Lee Choi-fung and Yukari Oshima), but it's still quite entertaining. The film combines espionage and commando-like action(Moon Lee and Yukari Oshima even wear brown camoflouge)in a story that takes place in the Golden Triangle in Southest Asia. Moon(Moon Lee) and Bullet(Yukari Oshima) are two agents who work for the supposedly ficticious Anti-Crime League led by Colonel Carry(Carrie Ng). There's a prolouge where Gary Daniels and Moon Lee are hunting eachother. Why it happens in the film is difficult to explain. Moon and Bullet are sent to spy on a woman named Yie Feng, who runs white slavery, counterfeiting, and drug smuggling rings. Yie Feng plans on selling large amounts of narcotics to a man named Somi and his henchman, Hans. Moon and Bullet recieve assistance from Mr. Ma( of Station 'B', in what I have to assume is Burma). When Mr. Ma is killed and Moon and Bullet's covers are blown, they join Colonel Carry and her troops in an attempt to bring Yie Feng, Somi, and Hans to justice. As with most girls-with-guns actioners, the plots are somewhat sub-standard in quality, the budgets are miniscule, the music scores(assuming it's not stock music) sound like something from a 3M advertisement from the 1970' or 1980's. Yet, where else are we going to see gorgeous women with solid acting skills and amazing athletic abilities kicking #@$? Usually, not in Hollywood. I, personally, enjoyed the film despite its shortcomings. This film probably isn't the best from the girls-with-guns genre, but it's worth a look.



  • 来自网友【黄叶远飞】的评论賣埠片,針對東南亞市場而拍,因此也沒有在香港上映。劇情也就那樣,無非是毒品偽鈔這些橋段,甚是無聊。連本片的看點動作戲,也是乏善可陳,不知道哪個天才發明了慢動作打斗戲,結尾的打鬥各種慢鏡頭,冗長又沉悶。影片中麥翠嫻飾演的「葉楓」,前半段氣勢十足,盛氣凌人,到了中間直接人設崩塌,給黃光亮輕輕鬆鬆拿捏,前後反差太大了。影片中的吳家麗,分別在影片的開頭、中間和結尾各出現一次,也就一配角。總之亂哄哄的電影,差評
  • 来自网友【纷乎宛乎】的评论女主演女搭档女上司女反派的武打动作片,你就说爽不爽吧? 凤姐在这部戏耍扇子很帅啊,大岛这部被削弱很多都在被打,吴家丽很有上司那气质,演三级片真的屈才,女反派不太熟,不过演得真好,长得也很漂亮。 (2023重温,不过这次看的好像是删减版)