来自网友【daodao125】的评论女人都是喜欢情话的 老k的情话百听不腻 从日记里的"I fancy you. " 到初代里的“Caroline. l am standing in one of my favourite places in the world, surrounded by food, music, art, culture, and all l can think about is how much l want to show it to you. Maybe one day you will let me. ”都是我的心头好 但是按剧情走向来看 显然小c已经成为老k心中的红玫瑰 虽然编剧试图把卡密作为老k的救赎 但是我始终觉得老k不会被轻易放过 果然。。。隔壁日记翻来覆去死不了 不知道初代会给卡密怎样的安排 btw隔壁s已经死了 依旧希望老k和小c携手到老 哈哈哈 我的执念