来自网友【蔡媛媛 Cai】的评论The Food ChainEach layer of the hierachy struggles, toils, exists, only to be consumed by a dominant species.Grass, bugs, birds, snakes, and so on.One feeding the next all the way up to the commanding predatory creatures.That is the order of things. Great men have compromised in times of trial and emerged the stronger.I intend to be one among them.强者在艰难的时刻会选择妥协,而变得更坚强。我希望能成为他们中的一员。In times of desperation, we must sometimes sacrifice our darlings.绝望时刻,必须割下心头肉。Sacrifice the castle to take down the king.牺牲城堡以推翻国王。Castles can be rebuilt, men cannot.城堡可以重建,但是人不可以。The further you back him into a corner, the more painful the cuts when he fights his way out.They say a mule will labor 10 years willingly and patiently for the privilege of kicking you just once.Sailor's termHard up in a clinch and no knife to cut the seizing. 水深火热磨镜女muff diverYour naiveté was charming for a time,even enchanting.-I wondered what it would feel like to bask in the admiration,of someone so pure of intent. -It was nice. It's a neurotic state - infatuation. It diminishes the ability to judge, to make wise choices, to hold to established loyalties.