


类型:香港剧 / 历史 / 古装地区:内详年份:1994

导演:李惠民 / 邓衍成

演员:梁碧芝 / 姜皓文 / 炜烈 / 刘宗基 / 罗烈 / 潘志文 / 蔡晓仪 / 江华 / 汤镇业 / 黄树棠 / 鲍起静 / 高雄 / 宗扬 / 徐锦江 / 吴廷烨


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  • 来自网友【释凡】的评论95年香港亚视推出《君临天下》在引进内地时,前20集名为《君临天下之康熙九子》,后20集名为《君临天下之血溅太和殿》,该剧叙事行云流水,庙堂与江湖人物的各种矛盾冲突激烈,武打也酣畅过瘾,全程令人震惊!金牌监制萧笙继80年《大内群英》后,再度以清康熙帝正值晚年的“九王夺嫡”题材杜撰古装野史大剧,品质却依旧毫不逊色。保留了雍正弑父杀兄、偷改遗诏、逼死母后的野史,却把这位腹黑皇帝复杂与孤独的一面,还原得更淋漓尽致。江华饰演的四阿哥胤禛,为了整治贪污腐败,杀了康熙的忠臣,被父亲责骂。康熙木兰秋围之时,他干脆在湖边恬然而憩,郁郁不得志!别看他惹怒了父亲,此人却在打猎有点能耐,能眼疾手快地猎到了果子狸,他骨子里精明干练!四阿哥性格乖戾、息怒不形于色,却从不被康熙和德妃重视,还被太子陷害威逼,反而对权力有一种疯狂的渴望。尤其他在奶娘常在死后,杀父夺位,铲除异己,心狠手辣走向腹黑道路!但即便如此,他对苗欣的痴情,却从不曾改变!哪怕苗欣前面误解他是淫贼,他都无怨无悔去狂追,百炼钢化为绕指柔,终于赢得伊人芳心。胤禛尽管对江山和美人都有贪欲,但苗欣为了他去偷看康熙遗诏被捕后,他甘愿去跪求皇阿玛,虽然赌赢了亲情,但他若不真爱苗欣,绝不会去拼!那时的蔡晓仪尽管有点婴儿肥,长相却明艳大气,五官端正,明眸善睐,鼻若琼瑶,当时被誉为“小李嘉欣”的她出演女一号苗欣,简直有不可方物的美。但这位猎户出身的江湖侠女身上,却融合了吕四娘和马尔泰·若曦的悲情!苗欣看似靓丽动人,却单纯莽撞、心慈手软,蔡晓仪演得精致到位!她跟雍正一见钟情,对方却被太子的春药强奸她,故而是孽缘。起初,苗欣对四阿哥很抗拒,却因为儿子弘历的关系,加上跟对方经历生死患难,渐渐相依相爱!她辜负了文觉大师的真情,也被杀父夺位的雍正所欺骗,等待帮坑死了十四阿哥,才被舒兰告知了残忍真相。但面对犹如魔鬼般的丈夫,她始终狠不下心去杀之。最终,这桩红颜祸水的刺杀案中,浓缩了一个江湖女子的心酸无奈!汤镇业饰演的文觉,以儒雅文静、武功超群的高僧形象示人,却是忠厚迂腐,割舍不断尘缘。他爱苗欣并表白,辜负了恭蕙格格的真情,因为雍正乱杀无辜,文觉也跟他和师兄闹翻,可惜这位高僧功夫有限,哪怕还俗后,依旧杀不了皇帝!剧中,康熙溺爱太子,喜欢十四阿哥,哪怕顺治给了遗诏,都不立四子为皇帝,酿成了大祸;太子胤礽狂妄霸道,他刺杀老爸,仗着溺爱被释放后,便逼众兄弟喝尿!最终,太子被蓝如风毒疯了,只怪他中了美人计,咎由自取!8、9、10三位阿哥拼命争夺皇位,除了图谋杀老四,就连被赦免了谋逆,都去搞阴谋。偏偏他们用人太蠢,错信了两面三刀的大阿哥,功亏一篑!大阿哥事后坦言他昔日被圈禁之时,唯独雍正释放并重用自己,所以他识时务者为“俊杰”!十四阿哥是宅心仁厚的好人,却过于胸无大志、优柔寡断,故而他错失了皇位和心爱的舒兰!他受康熙命令去查佟国维贪腐,从此得罪了对方孙女舒兰!等到他率军兵临城下包围紫禁城,又怕伤害额娘和百姓,没能一鼓作气跟雍正开战。搞复仇政变,却念着妇人之仁,十四阿哥肯定是要被雍正抓捕的,瞬间被派去守皇陵。胤禵眼见大势已去,只能玩苦肉计装病,去庐山召集旧党。他再度进京搞谋朝篡位,还是因为错信了文觉和苗欣,暴露了大本营,瞬间全军覆没!舒兰深爱十四阿哥,却厌恶他查爷爷腐败,便跟爱人闹僵。结果,她被雍正迷奸后,不幸地接受了政治婚姻。她虽贵为皇后,仍活得憋屈!舒兰屡次为十四阿哥通风报信,最终一起痛饮毒酒殉情,区淑贞、甄志强都演的感人肺腑!十四阿哥、舒兰太善良单纯,在肮脏污浊的政坛争斗里,明摆是炮灰!蓝如风这种善于用毒,出卖肉体的魔女呢?看似周旋于众多阿哥和江湖武士之间,从容不迫,却愚忠于“五毒老祖”朱复明而牺牲,早早踏上了不归路!杀师父的仇人穆旦天,真心爱上蓝如风,哪怕她淫贱歹毒,都愿意屡次救她、照顾她。起初,穆旦天毫无回报,还跟纳兰飘雪结怨,不料天长地久,身为魔女的蓝如风居然动了情,她甘愿为君赴死,或许这才是她内心想要的风花雪月。阿诗玛和十三阿哥不躲在异域过幸福日子,女方去给雍正下毒,当场被围攻,自缢身亡;她的情郎十三阿哥,只知道躲在最危险的地方最安全,却输在头脑不够理智,太势单力薄!所以这种人重回紫禁城后,一想叛乱就被轻松秒杀了!韦公公身为康熙身边第一高手,却死在巴汉格隆使用的神秘武器血滴子,足见科技决定杀伤力!从此,巴汉格隆帮雍正杀人,仗着武功高强和血滴子武器,横行无忌!可他为何只杀了慕容飘雪,依旧被群殴致死,只因“运气”欠佳?巴汉格隆不去执行危险任务,不会在洞里碰见磁铁吸走血滴子,才寡不敌众;而文觉和性音醒悟后,一起去刺杀雍正,照样被宫廷里神秘高人们歼灭,则让人痛呼意外!原来帝王早秘密部署了一切,不愁没有绝世高手们来效忠!飞鸟尽走狗烹,隆科多没有遵循死去父亲和女儿的忠告,他为了位高权重,拼命铤而走险,走火入魔!在协助外甥雍正登基后,他受苗欣为义女,暗中联络八旗的头目和十四阿哥等余党,依旧惦记着图谋不轨!他这种人引火焚烧,当真活该!年羹尧误杀了妹妹,依旧无怨无悔跟着胤禛,他总认为对方是当年把酒言欢、患难与共的兄弟,所以他见雍正迷恋苗欣,把贵妃打成植物人,加上功高盖主找死了。戴铎则聪明多了,死前给苗欣一封信,揭发雍正的罪行,鱼死网破!苗欣父亲是被误杀的,但她受不了丈夫的恶毒与欺骗,最终鼓足勇气去杀雍正,却发现皇帝早已安排了一切,并等自己来杀!原来在称帝后,兄弟都被杀或被囚禁,儿子也恨他弄昏过母后,雍正在重病后沦为孤家寡人,心力交瘁!结尾,苗欣看似泪流满面、愤怒行凶,却依旧心慈手软。最后,她一剑刺出,却怎么也不忍杀掉心爱的丈夫,反而雍正顺势一拽宝剑,干脆自杀谢幕!弘历登基为乾隆皇帝,苗欣则皈依佛门,《君临天下》尘埃落定?未见得!本剧秉承了《大内群英》的优良精髓,无论是帝王将相、公主千金,还是江湖侠士、毒辣魔女、风尘娼妓,各类人物都身陷重压,徘徊在错综复杂的爱恨情仇之中。刘小群、李绮华、刘枝华等编剧,对每集都设置多个转折,HOLD住眼球!野心皇子嗟叹大志未遂,搞骨肉相残的政变,害死了亲戚与高手,反命丧爱妻之手;纯情淑女惨遭歹人强奸,倾世皇妃行刺一生深爱的夫君,背后隐藏地都是权利斗争的黑幕;目睹血滴子杀人、母妃杀父皇的乾隆登基,争斗肯定在循环!武侠小说曾提出“侠之大者,为国为民”,反而到了《大内群英》《君临天下》两部大剧中,众多侠士义女则卷进了庙堂纷争,黯然逝去!这是我看过第三部雍正被红颜知己杀害的剧集,吕四娘、甄嬛、苗欣是虚构的,却各有悲情与苦衷!回到剧中,雍正数次自称励精图治,勤政爱民,让大清的国库比康熙时候增加了三成,却总想堵住悠悠之口。谁批评和阻拦他就要杀之,父亲和兄弟都不放过,这种搞“文字狱”的独裁者太心狠手辣,也注定被各种野史黑死!雍正肯定不懂得主题曲《世间情至高》中,“权力是必争的路,成败用性命来赌”,“权力令我心倾慕,还是愿你待人好,但当你心缺乏爱时,明白世间情至高!”亚视能在80年和95年推出两部武侠版《雍正王朝》,还拍得紧凑酣畅,悲喜交加,难怪能跟TVB在上世纪末称霸华语剧坛。可惜这样的团队随着内部争斗与衰落,一去不返!唯有本文,为之怀念!主题曲《世间情至高》编曲:赵文海填词:郑国江原唱:江华、田蕊妮权力是必争的路成败用性命来赌遇山过山风暴满途前路再险恶不愿停步权力是否必争路成败亦似害人刀若知你心再没有人惟愿你知道情更高将理想推得更高只怕太心高气傲掌握到优势能去尽求尽去待人还愿退一步可会知世事残酷可敬的只因有道终点即使远求有日能达到担心一天入岐路权力令我心倾慕还是愿你待人好但当你心缺乏爱时明白世间情至高
  • 来自网友【shalimar】的评论I am re-watching many 江华's tv shows.The way that Jianghua played Yongzheng 雍正 drives me nuts.Jianghua is no longer young, he is over 50 now. But he still looks quite young. People used to say that he is more Andy Lau than Andy Lau. Well, I loved Andy Lau very much when I was a little girl, how about in my elementary school phase? But by the time I was in my high school, I loathed him. I didn't come to like Jianghua until I watched 碧血剑 so called "Sword Stained with Royal Blood", a romanticized account of how the Ming Dynasty ended, written by 金庸, and adapted into several TV shows over several decades. The one that Jianghua was in was done in early 2000 by TVB, with 林家栋 and 佘诗曼. The way Jianghua played 夏雪宜 was so seductive, especially in the first few episodes when his character was trying to seduce 何红药, a sacred lady in a tribal cult. I still remembered that after watching him playing Xia Xueyi, I was totally attracted by him. But he was married and he did not play on TV shows a lot, so his effect on me dimmed out.Then probably two or three years ago, the Chinese Channel in Toronto was re-playing one of ATV's old shows, Secret Battle of the Majesty君临天下. OMG! He was so devastatingly attractive in it. He was playing one of the most controversial emperors in history, Yongzheng Yinzhen胤禛, the fourth son of Qing Emperor 康熙. At that time, I have already watched Yongzheng Dynasty 雍正王朝, which is considered the highest peak a historical drama could reach by the general public. Yongzheng Dynasty totally reverted the whole population's view on Yongzheng, who had been trampled in history books as pure evil and cruelty. But through 二月河's novel and 胡玫's TV adaption, the black veil over Yongzheng's life and his reign was lifted. He was actually such a diligent and just person to the point that people thought him harsh and merciless. He took his duty and empire's affairs so serious that he wrote the most replies on petitions in history throughout his merely 13 years of reign. As a result, Yongzheng Dynasty changed the general conception of Yongzheng's image, from cruelty to responsibility. Eryuehe has single-handly converted the society'view on Yongzheng, which is comparable to re-direct Yellow River's course. When Yellow River has changed its course numerous time in thousands of years, public conception seldom shifts. In the case of Yongzheng, we believe, accept and follow. When the fangirls try to measure the impact of Yongzheng Dynasty, they consider all popular romantic novels and shows about the Qing dynasty are fanfics of the same series, of the same person, Yongzheng. When I talked with my friend about Yongzheng portrayed in media, Yongzheng Dynasty was more like a public servant 人民公仆, someone like 焦裕禄, which is totally absurd for him being an emperor. While in the ATV show 君临天下, done in ancient time 1990s, his characterization seemed more realistic. The plots are equally absurd since it was based more on lore than history, but the characterizations make it so real and intense that you cannot roll your eyes on them. 胤禛, who was still so young and just, tried to appease his father by doing everything for the benefits of his father's empire. He would not bend to the power of the crown prince and would not scheme with his brothers for the crown, simply because he did not consider such character traits to be desirable. Since he lost all favours from his father, brothers and the whole court, he considered himself a marginalized outsider and a disobedient son.The drama and the setting were amazing, I deplore that they could not have filmed it in HD. The quality of the video is the only weakness. They started the drama in a grand royal hunting party in autumn. After 胤禛 lost a palm civet he had hunted to the crown prince, out of resignation he took off his armor and lay resting along a river band. Lightly dressed in his white cloak and bathed in the afternoon sun, a scene was caught unexpectedly by his father across the river among a whole troop of elites covered under heavy armors in a sea of vibrant red and yellow. I could not stop the show from that point on.胤禛Jianghua was so young and regal in it. It was easy to say that the Yongzheng he played was handsome, but it is more than that, more than merely handsome. By showing his restrained objection in a subtle way, he was sad and disappointed but still trying to take them lightly, being rebellious and relaxed at the same time. The Chinese character 雍 suited him perfectly. He is exactly how the REAL Kangxi praised his fourth son in his REAL will to ascend the throne to him, 人品贵重, noble and decorous.九王夺位That is how Jianghua's Yongzheng catches me every time I watch him playing. My friend said that Yongzheng has become a cult by himself, such that the mention of his name drives people's emotions and calls for their reactions. How am I supposed to resist such charm emanated by Jianghua?Fate makes Jianghua to associate with the character of Yongzheng, he played Yongzheng a second time in TVB. This time is a comedy, 九五至尊 The King Of Yesterday And Tomorrow. Yongzheng traveled through time into the 2000 with assassin Lv Siniang 呂四娘.