Satirical comedy set in Rio de Janeiro about a general's playboy son meeting a leftist intellectual who wants to write/film the playboy's dolce vita. Various shenanigans follow in a thinly-disguised attack on the military régime which started in Brazil in 1964 and ended only in 1985.
But already from 1966 onwards, the censorship keeps on changing its focus and, little by little, getting ready for the repression of political expression. Censors take courses at the University of Brasilia, with the critic Paulo Emilio Salles Gomes, and in the opinions there begin to appear, side by side, cuts of a moral and ideological bent. In El Justicero [The Just Man], by Nelson Pereira dos Santos, of 1968, “the analysis of the censors indicates the presence of scenes and phrases of vulgar slang mixed with known clichés of subversive propaganda”. All the copies were seized and destroyed. Nelson was only to see the film once again years later. “In 1967, censorship directors and heads, until then civil servants, were little by little replaced by soldiers and, at the end of 1968, almost all the staff in management is militarized. With the AI-5, and the extension of censorship to all cultural products, a well-organized, ferocious and implacable prohibition comes onto the stage”, Leonor says.