来自网友【%G/*\"E^U.Y】的评论好看,但也够复杂,观赏性与复杂性的比值太低,每获得一份“观赏性”都要付出相当的精力,就像小时候吮一只猪大骨,累得半死却也到嘴一点醇香的骨髓。因此看片过程不是非常愉快,只在某些集的结尾让你爽一下。尽管如此,本作的水准也超过绝大部分四星片。Have you ever been tortured? Suffered pain applied by men who saw you as less than a man. 'Cause it isn't actually the pain they're inflicting that's the most frightening part of it, it isn't the fear of future pain, it's the knowledge that even when the pain stops, even if they were to let you go, they've changed you-that pain, that fear, that despair has made you someone else, someone you barely recognize.没经历过的人真的很难理解,再怎么精辟再怎么共鸣也注定只能是极小部分人的狂欢,以前我会为这类陈述感动不已,现在却只是越发觉察人与人之间壁垒的深厚,我无法再满足于这样的“深刻抒情”,纵使出自他人之口,也让我感觉是自怜自艾。考察“壁垒”的细节,研究它的机制与贯穿方法,我觉得这才是更高层次的游戏。影视缺少笔记功能,单集评论又太散,所以以下一起记录:toil for another man, or steal for ourselves 这煽动性也太强了吧