
杀戮一代 Generation Kill-第01集


类型:剧情 / 战争地区:美国,英国年份:2008

导演:怀特 / 西蒙 / 苏珊娜 / 赛伦 / 琼斯

演员:Rudy Reyes / 詹姆斯 / 萨拉耶达 / 帕维尔 / 凯南 / 鲁什 / 鲁兹 / 乔哈 / 埃里克 / 亚历山大 / 凯利 / 罗坦 / 桑德斯 / 胡尔特拉斯 / 比利





《杀戮一代》是以2003年伊拉克战争为题材电视连续短剧,改编自Evan Wright的同名原著。这部系列剧将于2008年7月在HBO频道播出,片长七小时,制作团队是David Simon, Ed Burns, Nina K. Noble, Andrea Calderwood, George Faber和Charles Pattinson。
同名小说《杀戮一代》(2004)是一本由滚石杂志的记者Evan Wright根据亲身经历编写的自传,讲述了他身为深入战区的记者,跟随美国海军陆战队第一远征军参与了2003年伊拉克战争的经历。他对海军陆战队生活的阐述最早是在2003年秋天,由滚石杂志分三期连载出版。系列的开篇《杀手精英》,在2004年荣获全国杂志奖的最佳报道奖。



  • 来自网友【牛油果兔】的评论前3/4来自14年前sy的追更楼(感谢几位剧迷),后面是本人听写,若有错漏欢迎指正。Episode 4 - Combat Jack: Commentary by Alexander Skarsgard (Sgt. Colbert) James Ransone (Cpl. Person) and Simon Cellan Jones (Director)JR: Alright Simon go ahead, this is your baby.SCJ: Ok I’m Simon Cellan Jones, I directed this episode and the 5th 6th ones. I’m in the room with the 2 main actors.AS: Bonsoir! (*PJ chuckles*) My name is Alexander Skarsgard. I played Sgt. Brad “Iceman” Colbert.JR: Hi. I’m James “PJ” Ransone and I played Cpl. Ray Person.Hey where was Jonah last night? That was Jonah who played Doc Bryan just went past. Where was he last night?AS: He’s pretty much the only one who wasn’t there right?SCJ: Probably in India somewhere.JR: Too good for us.SCJ: This was my very first day working on this show. And there’s whole bunch of actors have been working together for like 3 months already. So I was really really nervous, and thought they would be really unreasonable to work with.AS: I look kind of unreasonable…SCJ: Yeah yeah yeah. That’s you on a good day was it.AS: Yeah. You don’t fuck with that guy!JR: Yeah, you carry that hammer everywhere.*Chuckles together*TOGETHER: OHHHHAS & JR: Sweet Rudy Reyes.SCJ: It’s already?JR: …being a friend.AS: Take a look at those triceps.SCJ: So at this point in the show, the guys are sort of stuck in the airfield and have been through a lot already. There’re sort of rocks beginning to set-in in a way. People started to get really pissed off with their command. Feeling sort of being messed around so the cool thing for me was to work with those actors and try to get those tensions coming to the fore bubbling up and still mix up with the man banter that the Marines have.JR: Yeah you’ve gotta pick up on something that was very weird because in last episode Trombley just shot the kid right? So the tension’s so high but you know you’ve got some understanding of the story but you didn’t see that all go down.AS: That’s a pretty big day for you the first wasn’t it? ‘cause I remember seeing like 5 huge monologues in different humvees you know.SCJ: Yeah, you’ve got 25 actors all got stuff to do and…AS: We’re all STARS~SCJ:… and they all need stroking…But this kind of scene is what GK is about. I mean there’s a lot actions and stuff but in fact the way that all the dynamics between all these guys, and that was the fun thing for me to … you know a lot times I just sat back and film it. Obviously I created your performances totally but…AS: Of course you did!JR: Look! The illustrious Billy Lush (AS: mmmmm….) incredible! (AS: yeahhhhh…) He’s an amazing actor and James Ransone. (SCJ: Yeah we have to work with him a little.) That kid is gonna be a STAR!AS: What happen to him? He just disappeared didn’t he? ( JR: He did!) Look at him!He’s pretty good looking though.JR: Yeah!Look at myself like this I feel like maybe I should get those invisalign embraces sometimesAS: Why?JR: I don’t know my teeth are like… my grills are so fucked up!AS: I love your teeth! (* chuckles together*) To me that’s the best thing about you.JR: Thanks man.AS: Yeah.SCJ: This is a very good episode for Billy Lush’s character Trombley because he’s just shot the shepherd kid and could get either way with him and people start to resent him feeling he’s bring the bad luck to the unit and stuff like that. This is the episode where he needs to earn some stuff back., otherwise he’s gonna end up hated by the whole platoon.AS: Yeah, and he doesn’t deliver.JR: *Chuckles* No!AS: No.JR: Yes that’s pretty much that them hating him for the next…5 episodesAS: 5 hours?JR: No there’s too many episodes. How many did we shoot ?AS: I don’t know, 45?JR: I think that’s right, sounds right.SCJ: My first day with you you had no words to say at all I think. You’ve got so much in the…AS: No words, but so much acting going on.SCJ: That’s right.*Chuckles together*You are giving all day.AS: YEEES.SCJ: This is one of my favorite scenes coming up. Cause it shows that how did these recon guys treat their officers just a bit differently, the usual army thing, the YES SIR, NO SIR. They don’t quite roll like that.JR: Eric made this point, Eric Kocher the military advisor, at this point that recon in the marines are like the officers are basically the renters and the recon guys are the owners. So they’ve a really different relationship than the other divisions of the army forces. So this dynamic between the officers and the enlisted man I don’t think it’s like in every branch but it’s real in the recon. ‘cause they’ve been in so long you know.SCJ: And they made a point of just not caring. They don’t about so much stuff.AS: like that. I love that he doesn’t know his name. BaptistSCJ:Casey Kasem is a character I really enjoyed working with because he has a little spirit over the whole thing. People hated him from the start but he has real sort of needles with Nate Fick which sort of builds up as things go. And he’s a real sort of stirrer. He’s a mixer-up…Although this show is not really political in the politics kind of sense, there’s so much politics in the domestic stuff.JR: Like the interpersonal politics.AS: Let them have it.JR: Hit it!AS: Yeah look at that steely blue gaze.SCJ: You don’t know whether to feel sorry for the Encino man or to be angry with him, cause, oh, the doctors trying to tell him like this here.AS: Look at those eyes, you can’t hate that. He’s trying man.JR: He’s trying really hard!AS: He’s not a bad guy. WOOOO.JR: He is, though.AS: That just happened.SCJ: The bad guy.JR: That’s just happened. Jealous.AS: Yeah, BOOOM.Alright, enough of this. Where are we?SCJ: HAHAJR: That’s what I’m talking about.SCJ: This is about some actors who aren’t in this room.AS: BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH…..AND, ME!SCJ: Owain Yeoman has a difficult job because the guy he’s playing is our the key military advisor,(JR: Yeah he’s telling everybody else what to do.) So every time Owain does something, the guy he’s playing is sitting next to him and going ”Ok , that was good, you should…” I think that’s the extra, (JR: Added pressure.) You two guys didn’t have your guys out there, did you?AS: It would be odd.JR: I think it would have been too hard.AS: I didn’t meet Brad who I played until 5 months after we wrapped this job basically.JR: I met Josh Ray Person last night. And…AS: For the first time?JR: Yeah, I mean we talked over the phone a lot but my first introduction was that he ran up behind me and choke me out.AS: Are you serious?JR: Oh yeah.AS: He did?JR: Yeah, on the way to the première. I was like ODODO in the car~ and somebody BOOO somebody choked me out, and it’s Josh Ray.AS: I met him like a month ago. He’s a big guy!JR: He kind have some scary white power thing going on right now. Did you see that, like the weird (AS: Like a goatee ?) Yeah, I think he could be conducting some weird you know, gang leader (AS: Do you see the swastika on his arm?) yeah, he’s got a swastika on his forehead. Did you notice how hot his wife was?AS: Yes, she was here like a month ago when they did some video art.JR: I am blown away. (AS: Yeah) She is REALLY HOT.AS: I wanna kill him.*Laughs*AS: I can’t believe I didn’t see that. I want to be there when you guys met for the first time.JR: It was really… cool. I mean he’s so awesome dude.AS: He’s such a great guy.JR: But when he gets around Rudy, he just eggs Rudy on to do more.. Did you notice that?AS: Totally.AS&JR: Yeah Rudy, yeah for fuck’s sake. Take off your pants! TAKE THEM OFF.SCJ: So both of your guys gave you a take of approval I guess, didn’t they? You haven’t been killed in your bed yet.AS: Exactly, we are still alive. I think that’s a take of approval.JR: Yeah, I’m happy with that.AS: He was there last night, and he seems to be ok with it? Right?JR: I think it’s so weird that…in the premiere , we have all the actors then the whole bunch of the real guys who we are playing there. I think it’s just as weird for them.AS: I watched episode 1 and 2 with 8 of the real guys cause we are doing ADR and I was there doing another sound station. And I was pretty fucking nervous watching episode 1 and 2 with Colbert and Person and Manimal all these guys.JR: I think, I’m sure you must have been nervous, in the giant premiere with somebody announcing that…AS: That’s just surreal last night, wasn’t it?JR: It was really weird.AS: ‘Cause we spent 7 months in this, basically dirt. You know, and suddenly you are on a red carpet with people in suits and, SMELLING GOOD.JR: I smelled good.AS: You smelled AMAZING, dude.JR: I did My cologne is very expensive.AS: Yes.. I bet it is.JR: The impeccable Stark Sands.SCJ: You see all these little needles between everybody here…JR: Let me tell you something about Stark Sands, he has an awesome house.SCJ:*Laugh*AS: Yes. Look all that!JR: I stole some shits.AS: If you ever in LA, hit him up!JR: Good luck finding your EAGLES CD, dude.SCJ:*Laugh*AS: This is a terrible episode. We are NOT EVEN IN IT!SCJ:*Laugh*JR: Jesus, it’s been like 4 minutes we are not in it…(AS: Exactly!)SCJ: I have to cut your stuff, man. It’s not your fault.AS: I can’t believe that.JR: I wasn’t working.AS: I’ve fallen in sleep TWICE already.JR: Ahh, but you’re still drunk, dude.AS: Oh, that’s why.*JR chuckles*AS: Yeah, alright. Come on. (JR: Umhmm.) And, CUT.JR: AND…AS: Scene!AS: The legendary....Marc Menchaca.JR: Oh..genius!Marc Menchaca is one of the funniest human beings on the planet earth…AS: THE funniest.JS: He is like a clown from outer space.AS: YeahJR: He tries to adopt humans' humor.It doesn't work all of the time.AS: (Laughs)He's the best guy.JR: Remember when we threw that grape? That was like, (AS: OH.) easily 200 yards and he caught it with his mouth. I’ve never seen a human being more excited.AS: Oh, the only guy that was more excited was me, actually. I freaking almost fainted when that happened because he threw the grape!JR: Do you remember he was like OH, WO, OH, ‘It was incredible! The SENSATION in your mouth!’*Laugh*AS: ‘Once it hits your lips!’SCJ: This represents one of your very few days off on the show, doesn’t it? When we got some of the long scenes with other actors. ‘Cause you guys are…AS: I had that day, I had that day off, I thought I had that day off. Then I got a call at like 5 o’clock in the afternoon from the second AD going ‘YOU HAVE TO COME ON, YOU’VE GOT TO COME ON NOW!’ You remember that? ‘Cause as the sun was setting, (SCJ: Ah, yeah yeah.) I had to, ah, go out there and get dressed ‘cause you wanted to do shot me just walking…SCJ: That’s right.AS: AND….It’s obviously NOT IN THE MOVIE…but…JR: What was it? It was some crazy like 136 shooting days or something?AS: I think it was more than that, I think it was more than 140.JR: I think it may have been 145. But people’ve got to realize that your average 90 minutes movie was like 40 days, yeah. You know.SCJ: Yeah, it was just unrelenting.JR: I mean there was half of that was kind of awesome about it ? But…SCJ: So you guys, these 5 of you stuck in a humvee ‘cause so much this actually took place at the humvee.(JR: Right.) So you throng together, and if you don’t get on, you’re screwed, ‘cause you’ve got another 5 and a half months to go. How did you make that work?AS: I just remember day one and looking at the count fee it says ‘1 of 145’, (JR: Yeah.), I was like OHHH, we’re gonna be here for a while.JR: I did not like Lee Tergesen when he rehearsed got here. (AS: He is…) He is a BOSSY BOTTOM, that’s what he is.*Laugh*AS: Bossy bottom…*Chuckles*JR: Yeah, you remember like, he’s walking around in eggshells, and Stark accidentally got all the scour that I had in my mouth, it was coffee. I thought there was gonna be a fist fight, I thought ‘we are in a long fucking haul.’AS: That was like the week one.SCJ: There weren’t like too many fights, isn’t it?JR: Oh, shhh. I’M ON!AS: Oh, wait a minute, here we go, finally! Finally some magic!SCJ: PJ’s on jerking off, there you go! He didn’t need to rehearse for that, right?AS: No no. That’s the method acting for you.JR: You were really sleeping in there, so you remember nothing.AS: Yeah,*chuckles* I thought I was just sleeping all through this episode.SCJ: Up to now, Colbert was kind of almost being sulky in the mood and stuff like that..AS: Yeah~ Bit of the downer, because what happened in the episode 3 was, ah, with Trombley shooting those kids. And I, ah, that was kind of my responsibility, I guess. ‘Cause I told him to shoot.JR: See? You were sleeping through the whole episode..AS: And BOOOM, ICEMAN IS BACK! ~GOOD EVENING!~JR: Go ahead. Ah, I didn’t mean to cut you off.AS: Nah, I was done.*Laugh*Ah, that’s basically what happened in the beginning of the episode. I was just dealing with the guilt issue, I guess, of what happened in the episode 3. But at this point, BACK.Iceman is back~JR: He is back!SCJ: The real guys who we talked about that when bad shit happens you have to find your ways not showing your feelings too much ‘cause otherwise the morale thing just spiral out and affects everybody so the team leader guys have to..AS: Yeah, obviously if you’re a team leader or a sergeant you‘ve got to keep the morale up and you’ve gotta believe in what you do ‘cause how you’re gonna motivate your guys if you don’t believe in it…and I think this is definitely the first time that Colbert has a dip, you know. (SCJ: Yeah.) He’s struggling a bit with what’s going on.SCJ: This is also another theme of the show, the fuck-ups. The thing coming up in here doesn’t end in tragedy, but it’s how one person in the earlier scene sees some lights moving and calls a massive air strike and we sorts of from the Vietnam onwards and the biggest calling in the air strike spending 5 million dollars on blowing up either some innocent people or just patch of sand. But then again it’s not a political thing, it’s just fuck-up, just total screw-up.AS: Just a little collateral damage.SCJ: So we know Colbert’s right, but …AS: He is always right. Look at that!JR: I hated these fucking helmets.*AS chuckles*JR&AS: Here, whoa, That lookJR: Dude, this is fucking Jeff Carisalez’s big début.AS&JR: Oh, ah.SCJ: That’s right, yeah yeah.AS: This is where all started.JR: OK, I think the audience needs to know that Jeff Carisalez was originally just brought over to fix the humvees, he became the secondary unit military advisor then they gave him a part in the show and, he was pretty funny so they wrote him more lines and they kept writing him more lines and he was actually fighting, you know, in the OIF1, and then, OK, check this out, the man that hates fucking actors, he hates actors more than I hate Mondays, you know what I’m talking about? I fucking, I’m like Garfield, I hate Mondays, does a Paul Greengrass movie, funny thing. He’s acting, that’s what he does now.AS: And the funny thing is that, this part is actually bigger than the guy playing him.ALL: Yes, *Chuckle*AS: He didn’t get the part of himself.JR: And he is like, in this movie that based on all these real guys he plays Cpl. Smith, who is a fake character.AS: *laughs* I love that.SCJ: He was the most vocal about the Actors-Are-Pussies theory, wasn’t he? (AS&JR: Yeah, yeah.) Come on, that’s some of the real Marines’ things I guess. He wasn’t afraid of just come right out and say it.AS: No, he would tell us, on a day-to-day basis.JR: He would almost make Kyle (Siebert, as Cpl. John Burris) cry.He’d be like ‘Why are you doing this Kyle? You should get cut out anyway.’*Laughs*SCJ: Oh, this, you guys aren’t on the scene so maybe…(JR: Oh, this is the Alpha Company.) But then again this is another thing building up throughout the show that is particularly in this episode. The respectful command, you know, whether it’s the way way high up command or the guy just about you, your sort of the lieutenant, the leader of your platoon, how the respect develops or declines. And this poor guy, the guy on the left, who calls the air strike, he’s rep of the unit, he was crumbling. People began to laugh at him as you can see from here. Guys doing voice over here. They’re like us, just commentating on the movie that they can see in front of them there.JR: Oh, man.Jeff Carisalez is so funny.AS: He’s stealing a goat?SCJ: No. He’s been given it, as a bribe.Well, he might have taken it as a bribe. I don’t knowJR: That’s part of Nabil (Elouahabi , as Meesh)’s contract, he had to work with the goat.AS: Yeah! *Laugh*SCJ: Even that we think the guys just going and blowing things up, there’s paperwork, you’ve got to fill in those about the damage assessment and got to sort of justify what you’ve done and if you’ve got a screw-up, you either got to admit it or more usually you’ve sort of got to find a way to explain it. (JR: Yeah.) Thus got to satisfy the paper chain.AS: Eric Kocher .JR: Ahh. He looks a little like Tom SelleckSCJ: He does look like Tom Selleck, yeah.Ok this is my flat-out favorite scene in pretty much the whole show, again, this is my second day of shooting. It has got sort of the military authenticity you’ve got the…JR: Colbert has that tattoo, by the way. That’s the best part.AS: Yeah.SCJ: That’s why Alex had to get up at 3 in the morning to …JR: You had to get up like 4 hours earlier…AS: Yeah, it takes like 4 or 5 hours to get it done. And I talked to the real Brad yesterday about it, and he gave me a thumbs up about the tattoo and ‘Yeah~ That’s pretty much what it looks like’.JR: Remember this guy kept saying ‘Just now’?AS: ‘Just now’?JR: ‘We have a service just now’, because in South Africa, you either say NOW NOW or JUST NOW.AS: Alright.AS: You know that guy was in American History X?JR: He was?AS: Remember the guy...that gets his teeth kicked out?JR: YeahAS: At the curbside?JR: YeahAS: Thats himSCJ: No! Really? Is that right?Edward Norton crushes him...crushes his neck on the curb.Well...okJR: (whispers)GOD...Edward Norton's body in that …AS: You remember that freaking sound? He put his teeth there and then BOOM, the back of his head?JR: (whispers)GOD...Edward Norton's body in that was so awesome. Speaking of the swastikas and reaped bodies…AS: Haha…That’s a beautiful combination, isn’t it?JR: Yeah.SCJ: Recon Marines aren’t that interested in religion, at least they can’t be seen to be, I guess. This poor guy.AS: Chris is the only one.SCJ: Yeah, he’s going for it…but the rest of them were…JR: Yep, and HE WAS A PUSSY.SCJ: He was a pussy, that’s right.Actors aren’t religious people. You know.AS: I’m basically about to give my speech about religion …(SCJ: Exactly.) And having ??? out there.JR: GOD..You are, you are...I'm surprise you know?You really don't work out that much but Jesus...that Viking blood man..I tell you.AS: (LAUGHS)SCJ: A lot of visual effects on that part I have to say…AS: That’s CGI, man.JR: They got the body painters from The 300 to come in.*Laugh*AS: I remember the sweet Andrea, the producer was feeding me RED BULLs that day because obviously I had to call up at 2:30 that day so I didn’t sleep that night.JR: Did you remember every time they were like cut, and we’ll be like ‘Great, we’ll all go sleep on the other side of the humvee ’ in the dirt? All of us!*AS chuckles*SCJ: One of the things like this was you’ve got 25 main actors and mostly the scenes only got 3 or 4 of them, but most the guys in the background were real actors (JR: yeah.) And they just, even though that’s quite tiring for them. It’s good to just keep that presence around.JR: That’s not really a usual thing you know. As if you’ve got the principle, come on and say their lines and back in their trailer. But these guys were background too.AS: Yes. I mean some of the these guys worked like 20 or 30 days without lines.(SCJ: Absolutely.) Just running around in the background.SCJ: I think Evan when he was out there with the real guys, he just listened so much and pretty well all these startling with the word to word or very very close approximation of the words what the guys actually said. And this sort of banter, and sort of competing being the most outrageous and the most, wildest fun.JR: Oh, you know. I think it’s in episode 6, I actually had that line where I’m like ‘I can’t wait to get home and eat the fuck out of my girlfriend’s pussy.’ ? Do you remember that?AS&SCJ: Yeah.JR: So, I was talking with Josh, and his wife last night. When the book came out, right? And I guess her parents were reading the book or something …*Laughs* And he like came in and the book just came out, they kind quoted that line in some longer review and saying ‘I can’t wait to get home and eat the fuck out of my girlfriend’s pussy’ and she, and he was like grab her and like ‘Listen, NO! I didn’t say this but Evan thought it sound like something I would say…But, ‘cause I know your parents are gonna read this, you know…’ and BANG, I get to say it ANYWAY!*All chuckle*SCJ: That’s true. I wonder how the parents wives girlfriends brothers sisters of these guys gonna react to some of the stuff…JR: So far I heard among, it’s really interesting for the women who are married to them or have an intimate relationship with them like, they are like the biggest champions, they are like the biggest fan of this. Because they get to see them in a way that probably they’d thought about for so long and that is really interesting.AS: Yeah. I talked to Pam last night, Brad’s girlfriend. And we watched episode 2 last night, the whole scene when Brad talked about his ex-girlfriend, you know, he was dumped and they were still friends and she dumped him for his best friend from high school.JR: I was thinking about that while we watched the…AS: He’s basically, it’s basically a confession that he’s still in love with her in a way. And you know. And he’s real rejected to marriage and all that kind of stuff and look down ‘cause Trombley’s getting married. He was like ‘Don’t get married. That’s just bullshit and …Women, they just cost you money…’and it’s all based on the fact that he got dumped. And last night they were sitting there and his new girlfriend was watching this and yeah, I mean she obviously knows that’s the case and …JR: Yeah, I was sitting there and being like ‘This is really weird’ like thinking about it, while you are talking about that I was sitting there and ‘I wonder what she thinks about this’ (AS: Yeahhh.) So weird.SCJ: It’s kind of raw, ‘cause mostly Evan was really intrigued and like these guys but he wasn’t there sort of write a PR or a commercial for them, he was going, ‘ok, if you say lines like eat the fuck out of my girlfriend’s pussy’ it’s gonna end up in a book or whatever. So even when they look good there’s sort of exposure, nakedness here. they can’t ? about.JR: Yeah, I mean there was such weird symbolic relation shit, you know like…AS: Oh, yeah.SCJ: Movement in trucks.The visual thing on this show was great because I think it’s David Simon and Ed Burns were very very keen not Hollywoodize it. It’s really the hard one, you know. ‘cause you can’t help bringing Hollywood to a war film. But when we shot it, it was just sort the real basic ness to the way we filmed it. You sort of didn’t want those glamorous attracting shots and sort of funky, cutting style, just had to have sort of the bluntness to it. Just allow the actors to be whatever they are rather saying ‘Oh, can you say that line when the camera gets here and just curve the lines and hits the way’. But when we shoot with 2 cameras we just used tons and tons of film and you very much relied on the editor to dig out the gold moments and build it around the actors.JR: It should be known that the most, not most, all of the actors in Bravo 2 are actually driving, there are very few time when any of us just like had a tow truck. So most of the scenes are like I’m actually driving and there’s like a platform next to me and the guys filming us. That’s Rudy driving, it’s not like there’s a tow truck that you don’t see on all the stuff. So, I mean, it’s like a testament that how gnarly it was to shoot the show. Because you were totally, you know what I mean…(AS: Yeah.) like they didn’t make it easy.SCJ: That’s right. Wasn’t it was sort of huge amount of stunt doubles, and the poor actors go around in their air-conditioned trailer and the guy…JR: But I don’t want the … I kinda love that (SCJ: Yeah! ) I always feel like when I am given more responsibility as an actor, I always feel like give a better performance. ‘Cause I feel like we were treated like morons, I mean we are, we’re idiots, we actors, so much in the time.(AS: Yeah…) But the whole ‘oh, look at those little umbrella with those precious magic little carpets …oh don’t get in trouble, wardrobe is here…’ And this was like, I remember it was like ‘Guys I think I’m gonna puke ‘cause I got heat stroke…’ and they were like ‘Well, throw up! ‘Cause we get 3 more pages to shoot today. ’SCJ: That’s exactly right, yeah. Me and the rest of the crew, you know, if an actor sort of fucks up when they’re driving, you’re sort of secretly slightly pissed off (JR: Yeah.) ‘Cause it’s a real asshole. So you know, you guys had to deliver and act at the same time, and just make it look like just normal boring thing.JR: But I kinda love that. That was actually one of my favorite parts about it. ‘for as stressful as it was, I felt really like I’ve accomplished.AS: And you are an amazing driver.*Chuckle*JR: Dude, you remember how stressed out I get? Pawel (Szajda, as Cpl. Walt Hasser) was such an backseat driver.AS: You, yeah. I just loved your conversation. You were like HAYYYYYY…’Cause Pawel was up there on the tower he would try to help you, like in a nice way, you would be like ‘YES PAWEL I KNOW I SEE IT!!!! I SEE IT!!! YES PLEASE! I DO KNOW THAT!’(JR Laughs)SCJ: It’s fun for me as a director I always want to be as near to the actors as possible so when we do the humvee scenes I tried to get into the humvee but I was very conscious that ‘I’m in your house. I’m a guest.’(AS&JR: Yeah.) I mean you guys, you have your way of doing things and I am welcome as long as I don’t say the wrong thing and you know, I can only smoke occasionally.JR: Fuck, fuck that. It was like the only thing that got me through Africa was Peter’s Diverson’s Extra Milds, man. I smoked about, I only smoked about 15,000 Peter’s Diverson while I was there. I was fucking… It was fucking stressful, you try drive. All you’ve got to do was stick a gun out of the window. Be the ICEMAN, say cool shits. (AS laughs) all those fucking monologues to give while I’m driving, Simon’s yelling at me, Pawel’s backseat driving, (AS: Yeah.) Lee Tergesen is a DICK HEAD! (All laugh.)SCJ: And you guys said, sometimes you’re in the car for literally 10 hours a day and you find a way to get through it with your talking. You said the dynamic in the humvee changes while Billy Lush got a PlayStation…AS: OH, yeah! You remember that?JR: YEAH!SCJ: Then he’s got more involved in that than talking with the family.JR: Yeah. Billy Lush is one of the strangest human beings I’ve ever met, but I’ve have to say that Lee Tergesen would match his humor. Remember when we had that out loud reading contests.(AS laughs) ok, it became like Andy Kaufman jokes, and we were like ‘Haha, that’s kind of funny’, then it started to get sort weird, then we were like ‘That’s funny.’ (AS: Then it get funnier..) and you were like ‘This is annoying.’ And then ‘Fucking stop it! ’ and then like goes on for longer and ‘This is just getting really weird’ and it gets funny again. But they read different books out loud.AS: Different books out loud for about 20 minutes.JR: At the top of their lungs.AS: We were kind of like a family, weren’t we? You and me up front, and the kids in the backseat.SCJ: I was gonna say, did you say that it was like a family holiday road trip. Did you? (JR: Yeah!) PJ, who was who? You were the mom?JR: Yeah, wow. I mean, I was like the chatty mom, you know, I’ve had too much coffee and like ‘OH!! LOOK OUT IN THERE! IT’S THE GREAT CANYON!’ and he’s like ‘OH,OH WOMAN! PLEASE!’ ( AS: sitting there with a map…’OH, QUIET!’ SCJ: ‘KIDS! BE QUIET IN THE BACK!’) Yeah, but then I noticed that’s why I gave all these looks throughout the series, he’ll say all these sort of cheesy heroic war (AS: ‘STAY FROSTY!’) and you were like ‘NO! WE’VE GOT TO KILL ALL THESE HORNETS ’ and I was always like ‘Oh, God, Mark.’ (AS: ‘OH, GUYS.’) ,you know like ‘Oh, there you go. Things are getting so stupid.’ So it was like, I was the mom, you were the dad, Billy was the kid, who obviously needs therapy, we did something wrong to him. (SCJ: He wants soft icecreams or therapies or something.) Then I found out that Lee was the neighbor’s kid. But I always remember that the parents if you were a kid who were in somebody else’s family, the family usually ended up liking you better in the end, than their own kid. So I always thought that was funny.AS: Haha.Yeah, we spent a lot of time in that humvee, and our humvee was the only one with a top, the other ones were open. I remember other guys were always complaining because in between takes other guys went out and talked and, you know, walked around and like ‘You guys always stay in your humvee between takes. What’s up with that?’.JR: Yeah, like we were being DICKS. Like ‘NO, NOT associating with you!’. ‘Cause we were locked in, the only way that…AS: We were locked in, but also, it sounds kind of corny but we had so much fun, didn’t we? In between takes, we just sit there and bullshit and talked about …JR: The coolest thing too was at a certain point, our humvee had a kinda working rhythm, I don’t know if the rest of them necessarily got. I mean the majority of what’s been filmed was in our humvee but it would be like we all knew each other’s like weird… You still freak me out, ‘cause nothing bothers you that was what was weird, I’d really see you have a hard day. And I felt like I was always so stressed out, driving. (AS chuckles.) But it was like everybody’s personalities co-opts and everything. We got so good at managing each other at a certain point. Everything was like clock work.AS: Yeah.SCJ: And you’ve also got Pawel, who was the gunner, really just his legs in the car, (JR: Yeah!) He was almost like the dog hanging out the window.*Laugh*JR: I never thought about that…AS: The dog hanging out the window…JR: its really funny too cause i wished that Pawel....thats such a hard role to have(chuckles)cause your legs have to be there for continuity but you know you're on top and..you know soyou're not really part of the dialogue the whole time..but..AS: but your legs areSCJ: but your legs are yeahthere..there..you just saw his legs on the left thereAS: he did some amazing leg workJR: well..we hired him because he was a ballerina uhm..AS: yeah just take a look at those thighsSCJ: yep..those are his legs againJR: i saw him in a stage adaptation of David Cronenberg's crash and i was like, we MUST have himALL: (laughs)JR: His beautiful legsJR: I'll tell you what...i'll tell you a little story about this scene coming up(whispers) i was fucking blown away..AS: (wheezes)JR: (whispers) i saw the iceman's penis this dayAS/SCJ: (laughs)SCJ: yeah..i think...i think about 200 people didJR: yeah dude there's...there's footage of it somewhere...AMERICA. FIND ITAS: well..you know i'm Swedish we love nudityJR: yeah dude you really went for it here outside..(whispers) wow..he really...really like took hisunderwear off and show ass and everything?i was STOKEDAS: ya i remember that when i came back to the humvee and you were like (wheezing) i...(wheeze)..i(wheeze)i...saw your......i saw your penis(wheeze)JR: its HUGE dude.... don't be embarrassedSCJ: most..most actorsAS: what? my ass?JR: NO your...(weakly)you have a big cockSCJ: ...get nervous of sex scenes and uhh thats the thing how do you handle your sex scenes but ingeneration kill its how you handle your shitting sceneAS: yeeah(laughs)SCJ: you know..other actors are really gonna be supportiveAS: i remember doing ADR here and i was kinda....i was not happy about the fact that my stoneskipping stuff isn't in it anymoreJR: yeah yeah that was the best part...its that...it was you... it was your idea you decided to cut the stone skipping?SCJ: well...JR: c'mon don't lieSCJ: (laughs)yeah..no..it was great maybe it just came across just a little...a little bit..thoughtful.. idon't knowJR: hmmmSCJ: awww...thats another..thats the thing for actors you know.. you do something on the set andscene and then the director or producer or whatever sometimes cuts it around the bits you don'tlike, i mean whats...how have you guys been served throughout the show? you've been stitch up?AS: well its just...to explain what happened was basically after my taking a dump here, i walk away and turn around and i go back cause i see a stone and..and i skip it(makes sound) ah the lake thereSCJ: and it got cutAS: it got cutJR: yeah its always weird there's moments you're all like " I WAS..I WAS SO AWESOME!"AS: "I CAN"T BELIEVE I JUST THOUGHT OF THAT!!"SCJ: "i define the character...that one thing... if they cut that my character doesn't work"JR:yeahAS: but i mean.... that's always the case you knowi come up with ten different ideas and usually... nine and half of them are...JR: GENIUSSCJ: (laughs)AS: STUPIDSCJ: yeahAs: TEEERIBLE IDEASand hopefully i realized it before i do it...sometimes i don’tSCJ: This show has no music at all, no sound track which is quite a weird one, but the only thing we had is you guys singing sometimes. under that one of my favorite bits is at the end of this episode when you sing something. when you watch it now, what’s it like not having music over the performances and the action?AS: I really really liked it, especially when I did ADR, when I saw the…cause there’s one song in entire series at the end of episode 7, and it becomes so powerful, it has so much meaning to it. now it’s not filled with music.JR: the other thing that’s interesting too is that while you can say ‘there’s no music, and how that make you feel’, i think it’s pretty obvious. there’s a lot more goes in to that idea of the sound design (AS: you bet yeah)than just not being any music, actually this cacophony of all of these layered conversations between marines, and i think that adds an effect and that needed to be there. part of that is like all of this little trick, you know, psychologically what’s going on, so you feel right in the middle, because it’s 20 different conversations going on all round you too, just like layered in the background.SCJ: but as a director, I was sort of terrified, I’m really excited to not have music (JR: really?) I usually have soundtrack in my head not necessarily it’s gonna be on the film, but what makes me think of the film, so i had a sort of GK track list just for me, when you going home, walk up dumb. the first time I saw a long cut I was terrified, because the early cuts are slow (JR: Yeah) It makes really clear, what you need is Frumpy rock sound, hardcore sound track to speed the film up. but actually if you doing without it, there’s no hiding place, as you said, PJ, you gotta create most level of reality in real marines, in these background chats. they became sort of like filming day, you know bring marines in, talking about cropping movies, THE BIG LEBOWSKI talks a lot in the beginning of this episode. it has a cumulative value, when you don’t have any music, it’s much more truthful, because there’s no that sort of bullshit.JR: I mean, nothing is gonna way you… you know what I notice too is like episode 2, there’s something about lack of music, when they’re pulling through those towns, that makes people at the edge of their seats (SCJ: you bet) It makes them really really really anxious. I mean I think it works to it’s benefit as well as far as building a tension.AS: the scene you just watched was actually our only interior scene in the entire series.SCJ: that’s right, you guysAS: when we find the stashSCJ: that’s rightJR: after we filmed it, it took 4 weeks in the sound station in Johannesburg(HAHAHAH) I was in HEAVAN!SCJ: that’s true, cause for most scenes, you build a set, or you’re in someone’s house, when shooting, you put lights outside.JR:that’s not true, Alex, we had another interior, and it was the cigarette factorySCJ: that’s true, that’s kind of open, but that was sort of interior.AS: you’re right, semi interior.SCJ: but most interior…AS: there was a roof, but no wall,JR: Right.SCJ: I think this scene is about, one of the ways, you can solidify your rep, within, among these guys, they're so hard to please, you do the coolest thing, but that’s still your job.JR: but I never read that, is him trying to solidify the…SCJ: No no, he wasn’t trying to solidify.AS: definitely not.SCJ: no no no, which is why, if he have been trying, the others guys would have spotted it, and call him bullshit. it’s not about him being brave or him being coolest, is about him being sort of weird, i think marines love being weird.JR: yeah, he’s obviously a really weird guy. that’s the other thing, that becomes really difficult to think about in this respective. Trombley is like, always talking about shooting, you know, he accidentally shoots that kid, yet i think there’s part of him that really enjoys getting shot at, so there’s like this weird balance in there, you knowSCJ: when we were shooting this scene, I said to Alex, 'maybe you should find Billy in a quite weird, be slightly alarmed’. and he said ‘no no no, this where I learn to love Trombley, where I earn some respect’. and We went with that idea, and it kind of works really well. look, he’s sort of almost paternal love there coming out you.AS: oh my sweet Billy.HAHAHASCJ: Just to talk about this scene briefly, which of course doesn’t include these two guys, so it’s not nearly as good, butAS: BLABLABLASCJ: this is where we, the writer went off away from Bravo, which is 95% of the show is about, just because this mission here, was a great example of how command changes and screws things up. the original mission is to going get a marine who was crucified and drive to the street. because marines wanna bring back the dead, the whole detachment was sent off to this place, to go, pull that guys out. but the mission got hijacked by the CIA or whoever, you can never be sure what exactly organization, because they thought Chemical Ali was staying in this place, so they sent millions millions dollars worth of crews missiles in, and the mission became what the marine calls ‘a clusterfuck’, you know, all the priority got completely weigh laid. and it’s a bunch of people having a really clear focus of what they trynna achieve, but really they got no fucking idea just following a sort of plan, because it’s a plan, rather than their thought. what this show does is watches the guys on the ground, the sergeants and lance corporals and stuff like that, just watches them get fucked off, and also get very amused with the way officers command have this big bold plans that just turn to shit.AS: Is this scene that was reshot? (JR: yeah) we went back to shoot this 2 months agoSCJ: we went back to do that. the CIA guy was originally in a completely different costume. it looked like in a very black, it almost like we were making statement about CIA being …try to make themselves look like impressive military, when in fact, that guy just needed to come across as a normal guy, and the stuff he was saying, the stuff he was asking, was the weird itself. it’s strange how, you know, real is better usually, sort of simple approach is much more truthful, when you try to put a little tiny spin on it, it just becomes comment.AS: Did you went back to Johannesburg?SCJ: yes we went back to Johannesburg, just for a couple of days.Another thing cruel about this war is, I think Eric calls this asymmetrical war, you know, you got America men, fantastic hugely brilliant equipped 300,000 people whatever, invading a country for whatever reasons. In conventional terms, the enemy can never beat America, so they have to find different ways. I think our guys here being drawn in, and they just have to fight the war in whatever way they can. sometimes it works, and sometimes it’s just chaos. because it would almost be easier for these guys, if it was a conventional, bunch of tanks up there and bunch of planes up there, and soldiers here and there. and they find it very difficult to know who they’re fighting (AS: exactly), and who’s a baker or whatever, and sometimes these guys are both.This is where the humanitarian aspect of their mission comes in, they’re there to show presence, not necessarily just kill people, be America’s policemen, and i think these guys, they are not trying to do that. they are trying to A or B.JR: that asymmetrical warfare thing, just to show this is never gonna be a good PR, or either, you’re gonna always lose the PR on war, or this one, and i think to that extent, enemy understood that, use that to their advantage.SCJ: the evolution of mission, they went in for certain reason, and that reason just become totally forgotten, but you know, they know what comes, they just have to follow it, they just move on.AS: (whisper) Back to BravoSCJ: Back to Bravo, do you, thank godJR: home sweet homeAS: finallyJR: I was starting, I really hate those other peopleSCJ: actors, JesusAS: That was a different showJR: yeah, was that the soprano that we watches? (HAHAHA) they cut that in the middle?AS: I just know I did not like that.JR: yeah, cause you weren’t on it.AS: ha, yes. 'what did you like about it? I wasn’t on it’. it would be great if I was on it.JR: yepSCJ: for the real guys, this sort of stuff must be so scary. you are driving through a town, you’ve got no idea if there’re any people there, if they’re friendly or unfriendly, and 90% drives like this, just driving from A to B, but in the other 10%, you know, someone fires a RPG at the window. It’s equivalent i guess nowadays they have, is there a roadside bomb on the route i’m taking, but here, that was a less of a problem, but is there someone’s gonna pull the gun out of the window, get off a few rounds, and obviously, here by these guys, will that hit somebody?AS: for situations like this, we have 4000 windows, like, kind of, definitely scary.SCJ: again, we got no music for this, what we normally do is we put in a threatening basey soundtrack, but no.JR: but i think it makes it better. because who knows what’s gonna happen.SCJ: there was one guy when we were doing this sound. there was one guy who is just humvee, that was his job. he have to give characters to each of the 5 man humvees, your one have a certain kind of rattle, she had in his head, and he would know what it was, you had some kind of firing tube in the back, and it swung on braces, sometimes bump into Lee, he would have that sound of squeak of the braces, and it bumping to someone’s back, and he would have the rattle of the radio cable, and he would specify in his head every single little sound. he went into some kind of autistic world.AS: are you serious?SCJ: absolutelyJR: that is CRAZY!SCJ: like you guys your humvees, he would know, the gear shift, we went off shot extra, with the camera by the transmission shaft, the stuff like that, he would know when you’re accelerating and when you’re slowing down, and that kind of engine you had, the way the metal will go tick tick when you turn the engine on. and this guy live for, literally for months, in a room in London, a dark room in London with a screen, he would mix the sound, he wouldn’t have the voices, or any the other sound, the just have humvees stuff, and it’s so cool, and i went go talk to him, he’d be sort of, you know, he’d been stuck in his world, and he created such big contribution to the show, that’s just one.JR: that is so awesome, i have no idea about that.AS: that’s amazing.SCJ: There’s obviously one guy on each show in charge of artillery and gunfire, and you know again, that’s a pretty big thing, because you want it to be loud and powerful, you want to be careful it doesn’t sound like a Rambo movie, or Schwarzenegger with all those guns, stuff like that. the way the shell casing hits the ground, so you can hear it, but it doesn’t like that.PJ: hopefully this will win the Emmy for sound design.SCJ: i hope so, yeahPJ: i mean, it’s only gonna get sound design, (chuckle) watch and this, you know what i’m saying.SCJ: yeah, forget the actingAS: oh you stop it!PJ: I don’t know when, I’m ready starting my campaign now.SCJ: this whole setup was famous dilemma for the Americans, wasn’t it? when you gonna checkpoint , do you fire the vehicle, and if you do, are you killing someone threatening you or are you killing a family of people? again, this show doesn’t necessarily wanna take sides on that, say OMG, look at the terrible things they done, but, became very news worthy thing as the war’s ending, were they right? because they got such big firepower, were they right to shoot people or not, who’s fuck to know, there’s no answer rightJR: that was good. Clincher, (AS Chuckle) Got me on that one, SOLD! i had but GE DINGAS: because situations like this, we start using smoke grenade instead avoid stuff like this.SCJ: this is kind of Colbert moment, in which case, he is questioning what he’s up against, but he’s professional, he’s not gonna (AS:yeah that’s the ROE you know) so that’s the dilemma, again it’s not so much political, we’re not try to make a political prison though Colbert, it’s just, this is a guy you get to know, he feels the way he feels, that’s just one of the 21 rifles, 300,000 different opinions when you count all the guys out there. Of course, in a scene like that, I think a lot of people, or some of the characters, thought "wow great, I get to kill", and it’s cool, i mean, some of these guys kind of like killing, were excited by it. i don’t think many of them, i think there were one or twoAS: yeah definitelyJR: yeah I mean, I think, at a certain point, to pass judgement is just… i mean, this is something I’ll never understand, and i think that’s the place where i’ve gotten to be comfortable with, is that i just wanna understand that.SCJ: this was much fun to shoot, this scene, this isJR: This is intenseAS: This is so hard on RudySCJ: because Rudy was at there, this is based on a situation Rudy was at, i mean, this was pretty much recreation of that, even though, again, we obviously say, ‘hey this little girl got killed, that’s tragic and all, and terrible and something evil about it,’ but we’re not saying, ‘hey, you know, America has caused this, or the Arabs cause this’, we’re just saying this happens, guys, work it up yourselves if you can.AS: I remember talking to Rudy when it was…JR: Rudy was not….this brought back a lot for himAS: yeah, you know, ours ???show did it, you know, fought it back 5 years ago, cause he experienced all this stuffSCJ: yeah, i think we all got pretty nasty taste on Nasayriah when we got home at the end of this night.(JR: Yeah)it’s justJR: even the vibe on set on that night is (SCJ: Yeah) OFF.i like how you can see Billy Lush’s foot, (SCJ: yes that’s right) he’s probably asleep, i didn’t notice that.SCJ: and of course, it’s Billy Lush, it’s not an extraAS ChucklesJR: No, it’s not. I bet you Billy Lush taped his boot to the doorSCJ: yeah hahahJR: I’m hereSCJ: that’s one of my favorite line of the show. The artillery represents, i don’t know, death, destruction, and millions of dollars.JR: but i think it actually visually, it’s like fireworksAS: It is pretty.JR: thanks for acknowledging me then, when you’re acting, make me look crazy, you know, half of that, it’s like the interactions,no it’s not, you’re sickfuck you, i always wanted to say that, yeahSCJ: oh i gotta tell you, when i first read the script, literally the day i read it, at the end of this episode, i went, oh there’s a song, that if we got music, i really wanna play in this, you know, we don’t have music, but the song which is kind of shit cheesy song, which i absolutely love but it’s way younger than me, was really in my mind the whole time, when i was rehearsing, when i was preparing, when i was in London by myself, when i was out there, i played this song 4 5 times a day, and i thought, fuck it, we gonna squeeze it in somehow, so i had to persuade this actors, to sing the song.JR: yeah, and i hated doing it (SCJ:you hated) fucking hated it, and then Eric, cause, i think i saw the end with Eric in his hotel, he was like, this totally works on such a level. but now we’re talking about this, let me throw it out there, Evan Wright didn’t vote me to play Ray Person, (AS: didn’t he?) I just like to say that. (AS: really?) and now we’re really close friends, FUCK YOU EVAN. how you like me now?AS: really, he didn’t?SCJ: get this, the song…this is a…cause you gotta be careful not turn into generation kill musical, but these guys went aloud already, they’re gonna make their own soundtrackAS: you wanted it so bad, that you call us back to do, this is actually 2nd unit shot after 2 weeks we shot the scene, (SCJ: HAHAHAHAHAH) on our one day off, we spent 7 months, we got 1 day off,(JR: yes that’s right, this is our fucking one day off) this is our one day off.Simon was like, 'guys, i reeeeally need you come in to do this, (SCJ: fuck you man) i just make you Scottish, (SCJ: what Scottish, don’t do that again ok?)JR: he didn’t call you, Harry called you, he would dare, ‘Harry, call him’.AS: that’s right, i just did Harry. but I got give to you man, it does work, i really like it.JR: i especially like juxtapose against what John Espera's going troughAS:definitelySCJ: exactly, he’s not in the moodAS: he definitely take the edge offJR: well i mean, it’s again, it’s like it’s on all those different people’s terms, it’s like, here’s up front that haut to deal the same thing Espera has to deal with, and it’s not like he doesn’t give a fuck about them sing, he’s just going through his own shit (SCJ:exactly), but that doesn’t change other people, you know, maybe having a good day.SCJ: that’s match, just finishAS: i love thatSCJ: that’s one of my favoriteJR: i think that’s the only time, i’ve addressed you in proper military terms in the whole, such a dick about it.AS: yeah (yarning)SCJ: So that what we did last summer anywayAS: that’s what we spent 7 months doingJR: yeah that what i did over the summer. i’m James Ransone, I play Corporal Ray Person, i’d like to say, THANK YOU SERGEANT. It was really fun, (SCJ laugh) hey thanks man, actually you know what, it was really weird because it’s always a nerve-racking experience when it’s like you’re paired with leads, this is like some of the coolest people that i spent everyday working with, these actors are just so easy, i was probably the biggest pain in the ass.SCJ: NONONONO, not at all PJJR: aside from Lee TergensenSCJ: OK, you were number 2.AS: No, you were bigger pain in the ass. My name is Alexander Skarsgard. I played Sgt. Brad Colbert. yeahSCJ: you’re done?JR: you don’t thank anybody?AS: nay i’m not gonna thank anybodyJR: god you are UNGRATEFUL PRICKAS: i’m gonna thank myself.SCJ: I’m Simon Cellan Jones, I’m the director of this episode. i can’t stand them, i would thank the actors, because they’re the one made this show, i gotta say. but this Lee oneson, who works that small parts. you know this guys spent so much time together, they became show really, so thanks, thanks for that.JR: thank youSCJ: you can borrow 20 dollarsJR: yes you can, borrow? I hate you to say that manAS: can i put my clothes on nowSCJ laughs.