来自网友【Bruno】的评论1 - 小谢尔顿变声了啊啊啊 还有这季的翻译依然很棒啊。。2 - Rob牧师那场戏全体演技炸裂。。/官方吐槽加密货币哈哈哈哈哈哈!3 - 最后一幕的虚实融合很意境!以及继续给翻译加鸡腿!!4 - Dr. Sturgis, zero doesn't exist.5 - Comforts on Friday nights.6 - 爸爸back as coach的时候真的很帅!7 - This idea is too big to wait. Sheldon的世界依然纯粹得可以屏蔽掉世俗的压力。8 - I don't know, and I don't care. I just want to build the database. Why can't this just be about the science? Why are you making it all about money? This was supposed to be exciting, and you are ruining it.9 - I love meemaw!10 - Georgie, you can't live your life afraid that women are gonna get mad at you. It is just what they're born to do. / 字幕组把Branda跟鸡说的‘shut up' 翻译成了'闭喙啦',靠呗这tm到底是谁翻的哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈11 - Coulda, woulda, shoulda. - 现在说这些没意义啦。对这个字幕组越来越肃然起敬了 btw 爸爸和branda 以及妈妈和pastor rob的婚外事开始unveil了,第一次对missy产生了反感12 - Georgie has been there for me the whole time..You do not get bad mouth of Georgie. He's gonna be a better parent than you ever were. 我也一定会成为一个比他们更好的丈夫和父亲。13 - 这礼拜见了很多人 讲了很多话 很多片段一直闪现在脑海 觉得有些累14 - 这集也太搞笑了吧哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈15 - Little? I am towering over you.16 - Overlook.17 - There's something else you could do for my birthday/I had a baby two weeks ago, no../Not that../Then what?/Marry me.18 - sheldon 是不是胖了....19 - Ich helfe dir beim packen lol