



导演:基斯 / 戈登

演员:福穆萨 / 罗伯特 / 霍斯 / 罗彻 / 曼迪 / 萨邦圭 / 帕廷金 / 弗兰德 / 克莱尔 / 丹妮丝 / 玛维尔 / 多米尼克 / 克耐普 / 尼娜 / 鲁伯特





在德国转了一圈后,美剧《国土安全》第六季的故事将回到美国纽约,在近日举行的TCA冬季会议上,播出单位Showtime的负责人David Nevins透露了上述消息。



  • 来自网友【gooogolplex】的评论January 15, 2017The sixth season premiere of Homeland finally revealed Peter Quinn’s condition after his near-fatal brush with death last season (premiere episode spoilers below). As played by actor Rupert Friend, Quinn has dramatically changed — his body and mind seriously eroded from his exposure to sarin gas last year. Having given up hope on making any further improvement, Quinn is pushing away his friend Carrie (Clarie Danes) and just trying to escape from his new reality in a VA hospital. Below, we spoke to Friend about his character’s dramatic change.ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Okay, so what was your reaction when you go the premiere script and how dramatically Quinn was changed? Rupert Friend: It’s tricky because the script didn’t say to what extent or in what way he’s changed. There was a lot of room for imagination or creativity because there wasn’t a manual on what we were seeing or hearing with this guy. The Homeland [script writing] style is very sparse, it’s pretty much just the words that actors say and not a lot more, which I happen to really like because there’s a huge amount of freedom afforded. So I saw this as an opportunity to explore something that’s under-explored in our popular narratives — which is a modern returning soldier. Not with fanfare and streamers, like maybe it was 100 or 50 years ago. But modern warfare spits veterans out and forgets about them. Veterans are coming home to us with diseases, ailments, and inabilities that we’re not even really qualified to deal with. PTSD is an obvious one, but chemical warfare being the other one. In wars in the first part of the 20th century you would have been run through or shot, and you had land mines and bombs. But chemical warfare now is a whole other horror story. This is a popular show and a popular character and it’s important we tell this story as truthfully as we can.In terms of the physicality of your performance, how did you go about creating that? There was a lot of research. It wasn’t necessarily clear what was happening to him. I spoke with doctors, neuroscientists, veterans. Weirdly, YouTube was incredibly helpful. There were are a lot of people who have suffered and with the power of YouTube or Vimeo they have made a lot of tutorials they’ve put out to help others. It’s an amazing spirit of people helping others who they’re never going to meet, and it’s a wonderful thing about the Internet because there’s no payback — maybe you’ll get some Likes or something— but it’s people teaching each other how to coop with impossible circumstances. There’s a huge sense of community and generosity.It seems like such a delicate thing to pull off. A few degrees too much it becomes like a caricature. It’s a dramatic difference for Quinn, yet there also has a lot of subtlety to it. Since I felt like I got inside a community of real people the idea of doing anything that didn’t do that justice would have been very insulting to them. While I didn’t want to shy away from the more dramatic effects these things can have on people, you got to do them justice, otherwise it’s, as you say, a caricature, and I’m not interested in doing sideshow freak show stuff. It’s not respectful and not interesting, and it gets boring quickly.Even your voice pitch is different and, if I’m not mistaken, the way you use your eyes is different too. Thank you. It’s a weird thing to try and imagine your entire neurological pathway has been short-circuited and re-wired badly. Having that as an obstacle, the storyline gets into very extreme places very quickly and overcoming those obstacles would be hard enough for somebody who is firing on all cylinders. But I think the hardest thing for Quinn is his confusion — Is this really what I’m seeing?In the first episode, the read on Quinn that you get as a viewer is that he’s clearly in so much pain and just wants to escape. That’s perfect. It’s been nine months, he’s done all the counseling and the tests and the physical [therapy], he’s come to terms with himself. The place where we shot the Veterans Administration was beyond depressing. This is your life. If you’re Quinn, you collect your check, you blow it all on one night to have one night away from it all, then you’re back in prison, effectively. There’s a genuine thing he’s saying to Carrie, Will you just give up on me because I have.Can you tease to what we can expect from Quinn the rest of the season? The altered perception of reality that Quinn has, which is fascinating and scary, his misreading of normal and simple situations, is going to be a huge problem for him and going to cause him to entangle himself into complicated and dangerous situations. We’ve seen Quinn get out of dangers situations but they’re not of his own making due to his inability to comprehend reality. We’re in this weird Fear and Loathing place where reality is a scary place … What’s really interesting is that Homeland is doing something I don’t think any TV show has done before, where you have a character in season 6 and he’s basically unrecognizable from the previous seasons. We’ve seen shows run and run with characters who come back season after season, but the idea that one of those characters comes back after they’ve changed … I think it’s risky and I like that. Some will say, “But where’s my old friend?” But that’s not the way the world works and I applaud Homeland for its bravery.
  • 来自网友【Hear】的评论越来越纸牌屋的赶脚,大国土你还记得自己是部反恐剧吗?我的Quinn啊!!!整季都太惨了,一生为了信念和爱而活并为之而死,却死后都被当成政治工具利用。达尔阿德尔错了吗?肯定会有很多人唯结果论,毕竟总统最后还是黑化了,可是反对者们到底想要什么呢?他们自己知道吗?为了保卫国土?为了维护美国在世界上的绝对地位?当你们以爱国主义把一批批青年送上遥远的前线、让他们为了所谓荣光去打永远不会胜利的无休无止的战争,当你们把无辜的青年关进监狱说他是恐怖分子并利用他制造和恐袭无疑的爆炸,当你们将为了救战友而牺牲的战士抹黑成只看重个人功勋的逃兵,当你们以虚拟用户的身份控制网络空间、大肆鼓励民众无端的仇恨,当你们与以色列合谋违反国家协议让本就岌岌可危的中东局势加速恶化,这就是为了国家吗?现在我才终于清楚什么叫做程序正义,用这些东西即使换来了正义,那正义也一定都变味了。就算达成了终极目标,这也不叫善,这是恶。很喜欢这一季的片头。revolution是什么?你看待事物的方式变化了,这就是revolution;它不会被转播,它现在就正在发生。从上一季开始,互联网元素在剧情中所起的作用就越来越明显,它颠覆了世界运作的方式,让所有人都步入了全新的时代,这也是为什么这一季中候选总统和反对派一方的斗争能如此引人注目。伊丽莎白总统历经生死之后排除异己大开杀戒,曾经说着“我想通过非战争的方式解决中东问题”的她最后还是去到波罗的海驻军,这就是权力斗争,这就是政治,我们都没有退路。