

导演:史蒂文 / 索德伯格

演员:安德烈 / 索尼娅 / 杜克 / 麦克拉克伦 / 格伦 / 昆图 / 梅尔文 / 麦克劳克林 / 弗莱舍尔 / 比尔 / 普雷斯科特 / 霍兰 / 米歇尔 / 莎姬 / 凯莱布










  • 来自网友【驴饭高】的评论通过本片可以体会到索德伯格尝试新的电影制作方式时的激动之情。| Brian TallericoFebruary 8, 2019 |As professional athletes continue to work to control more and more of their public image through social media, the commodification of them becomes an increasingly interesting topic for debate. Especially for young basketball players just entering the league, how much of their personalities and even their daily lives they give over to the NBA can impact how they’re perceived both by the public and by the people who sign their checks. Just listen to Karl Anthony-Towns or Donovan Mitchell, interview subjects in Steven Soderbergh’s “High Flying Bird,” as they discuss what it’s like to be in the NBA in 2019—expectations are everywhere, from how much money they’re going to make their first year to playing time to Instagram followers.Our window into this world is Ray (a great-as-always André Holland), a high-powered agent who is struggling to keep his head above water during an NBA lockout. If the players don’t get paid, Ray doesn’t get paid. And one of his biggest players is the #1 pick, Erick Scott (Melvin Gregg), who just wants to get out there and start making a name for himself. He’s also dead broke, and the film opens with Ray admonishing Erick about a dumb loan he just took out. And then Ray’s corporate credit card gets declined. These are people who should be rolling on beds of money, but the lockout has completely neutralized them. In a sense, “High Flying Bird” is about refusing to remain in limbo—about doing something to empower yourself to find success.After learning from his assistant (Zazie Beetz) and then boss (Zachary Quinto) that his expense accounts and even salary have been frozen, Ray puts a plan in motion. There are actually echoes of Soderbergh’s heist movies in the way Ray is kind of the Danny Ocean of this affair as he tries to fast-talk people like the NBA Player’s Union rep (Sonja Sohn), head of the owners group (Kyle MacLachlan), and even the mother/agent for Erick’s potential rookie competition on the team, should they ever play again. Does he want an end to the lockout? Or maybe he wants a radical evolution of the game?The script for “High Flying Bird” by Tarell Alvin McCraney (“Moonlight”) is razor sharp, clearly coming from deep research into the issues and concerns that define the modern athlete while also remembering to be wickedly entertaining at the same time. This isn’t a ‘message movie’ and yet it’s impossible not to walk away from it and think something in the system of professional sports is broken. Ray and others (including the legendary Bill Duke as a local basketball coach) regularly speak of the “game on top of the game,” referring to how white owners created a system designed to not only profit off of but control their mostly black players. It was something that was needed more in the ‘70s and ‘80s than it is in the era of Instagram. Imagine if Lebron and Steph announced they were playing a one-on-one at the Staples Center tomorrow. How long do you think that takes to sell out? And yet players aren’t allowed to do anything that’s not NBA-sanctioned. Why? They’d tell you it’s to maintain the image of the NBA, but it’s also so they make sure to get the biggest cut.For “High Flying Bird,” Soderbergh once again shot on an iPhone, using even fewer digital effects than he did for “Unsane.” He spoke in the excellent intro Q&A for the premiere of the film at Slamdance about how he loves the way that iPhone shoots allow him to know immediately what he’s got. He doesn’t have to wait for film to be developed. He can watch that day’s shoot at home and adjust the next day’s shooting schedule if he needs to. Lest you think this is purely a technical element of production, it adds an energy to the filmmaking of “High Flying Bird” that you can sense on-screen. You can feel the excitement that Soderbergh gets from experimenting with a new form of filmmaking.At least he’s allowed to experiment. An interesting anecdote in the pre-screening Q&A revealedhow “Out of Sight” (a personal favorite movie of mine) was a major turning point for him. As he put it, he had made several films in a row that people didn’t like, and he couldn’t afford another one. If “Out of Sight” had tanked, he might not have been in Park City this weekend. And then he pointed out how he was 35 when that turning point came, an age by which most pro athletes are retired. These young men have such a small window to turn their talent into something that will then sustain them for the rest of their lives. Is it any wonder that they’re trying to take greater and greater control of what happens within that window?Most modern sports movies feel a few years behind the story—purposefully nostalgic for a feel-good, motivational story. “High Flying Bird” feels like a product of the 2018-19 NBA season, which may not have a lockout but is dealing with the same issues. I wish I could be in the room when some of the young stars of the game like Anthony Davis or Joel Embiid watch this movie. Actually, I wish even moreI could be in the room when the owners of their teams watch it.This film was reviewed from the Slamdance Film Festival. 此影评的译文可以登录火星译客网站查看,如有翻译不准确之处,望请指出,谢谢!译员:Thibault校对: 卖女孩的小火柴
  • 来自网友【皮尤吖歪㍿】的评论首先要说的是,这部电影虽然背景设置在NBA且请了几个NBA球星进行采访,但是对于NBA内部的运作的描述基本都是不切实际的,请不要代入对于窥探NBA内部运作的视角来看这部电影,把它当作一部架空世界的体育电影会更好。1、劳资协议谈判电影中,NBA之所以会出现停摆的情况,是因为球员工会与联盟的劳资协议谈判破裂。 劳资协议谈判是指由资方(NBA总裁及三十位球会老板)及劳方(NBA球员工会)所签订的协议,确立劳资双方的各种权益,包括针对球员合约、球员交易、联盟收入分配、选秀会及工资帽等的规定。历年来劳资协议谈判中最大的分歧一般在于球员薪水多少、球员合同保障期以及球队工资帽的问题。NBA和球员工会在2017年签署了新劳资协议,为期7年,但双方都有权在2022-23赛季结束后选择跳出合同,所以电影中的停摆至少要等到2022年才有可能发生。2、NBA停摆当谈判若未如期达成,那么球员工会将带头罢工,这也导致停摆的发生。一旦出现停摆,对于联盟就造成了巨大的损失。NBA历史上出现过五次NBA停摆,最近一次是2011年,NBA由于金融危机的影响,想要通过削减球员薪资、缩短球员合同年限、实行无保障合同、出台“硬工资帽”条款(NBA目前是软工资帽,意味着球队在签约球员时可以不受薪金限制,但是当合同薪资总额超过工资帽需要缴纳奢侈税。硬工资帽的话,球队必须将球员合同薪总额资维持在工资帽以下)来维持联盟和球队老板的利益。由于谈判破裂,NBA进行了持续时间达149天的停摆。3、联盟停摆对于球员的影响联盟停摆对于不同球员来说意义是不同的,像联盟中的巨星如詹姆斯、库里等人,它们需要通过劳资谈判来获取自己作为超级球星所能获得最大合同,如17年达成指定老将特例,使得球队可以给一名效力年限为7-9年的球员起薪直接为年限在4-5年顶薪工资帽35%的顶薪合同,让库里在17年签下了5年2.01亿美元的大合同,保罗、詹姆斯在18年签下了4年1.6亿和1.53亿的大合同。但是对于中底层球员来说,停摆却是有很大风险的。因为工资是按月发放的,球员在停罢期间没有比赛可以参与,球队是不会向球员发放工资。大牌球星在停摆期间依然可以靠代言、投资获得场外收入,但一般球员本来就靠打球吃饭,又身背NBA合同,他们也无法参与别的职业联赛。而对于电影中的菜鸟新秀由于实力一般,停罢对他的影响更重要在于他失去了自己菜鸟赛季上场的时间,没有证明自己的机会,如果停罢一整个赛季就意味着他需要在下一个赛季与下一届新秀争夺出场时间,如果达不到预期,这种末轮新秀可能就会球队裁员离开联盟。当然一旦资方妥协,新的劳资协议对于所有球员都是有利的,只是大牌球星可以从中收益的更多。4、球员工会(NBPA)NBA职业球员的工会,是北美四大职业运动联盟中成立最久的工会组织,这也一定程度上让NBA是四大联盟里球员利益最有保障的。你甚至可以说,NBA是除了欧洲足球联赛以外,球员收入水平最高的联赛。目前球员工会的主席是火箭球员克里斯·保罗,其他成员包括第一副主席勒布朗·詹姆斯,财务主管詹姆斯-琼斯,副主席安东尼、库里、伊戈达拉、保罗-加索尔、加雷特-坦普尔当和安东尼-托利弗。他们在球员工会工作也会获得相应的工资,工会主席保罗一年会有五百万美元左右的工资。5、NBA转播合同电影中谈判破裂的另外一个背景是NBA有了新的网络转播合同。相信这应该是编剧根据2015年NBA新的电视转播合同所进行的创作。NBA在2015年和ESPN、TNT实行了新的转播合同,总价值高达240亿美元,意味着单单是转播费的收入,NBA每年就能够创收26.6亿美元。而之前NBA每年的转播费仅仅是9.3亿美元。而与电影中截然相反的是,得益于新的NBA转播合同所带来的巨额收入,2016年的劳资谈判极其的顺利。-------------------------------------------------------------下面是刚看完时极度失望而冲动的一些吐槽。。。把电影置放现实来通俗的说就是:NBA正处于劳资谈判的停摆期(NBA历史上总共就出现了五次),尼克斯的尼利基纳和诺克斯(不认识对吧?不认识就对了,片中两名新秀的知名度就和现实中这两人相当)在推特上吵架后,在慈善活动上单挑引起关注。然后两人的经纪人就违反规定举办了一场网飞直播的街头比赛,票价最高一千美元。结果这场最高票价一千美元、两个刚进联盟甚至有没打过一场职业比赛的新秀球员主导的野球赛就把正在谈判的身价全球前一百联盟三十支球队的富豪老板和手握上亿合同、年薪四千万美元的球员工会主席们(现任球员工会主席保罗、第一副主席詹姆斯、副主席库里年薪都超过四千万美元)给吓怕了,立马停止了劳资谈判,结束停罢期?!你在逗我吗……刚刚熬夜度过交易截止日看完这部电影真的要吐血,我都能想像到编剧是怎么意淫出这个剧本的。毕竟过去这几年里联盟里发生了太多的丑闻和八卦事件。76人经理推特事件、杜兰特的推特小号、莱昂纳德让自己的母亲舅舅作为经纪人要挟球队交易、唐斯巴特勒队内互撕,这些球迷耳熟能详的事件被当作被当作一种猎奇变成这部电影的“惊爆内幕”。但是一个球员经纪人在现实世界里影响力最大也就影响一两场交易,十多年出现一次的停摆怎么可能因为一两个不知名新秀的闹剧有所影响。作为一个篮球迷和影迷真的无法容忍这种编剧脑子意淫出来、毫无职业性可言的剧本…我可以理解编剧想要通过一个对于职业体育联盟的商业环境进行抨击来批判当今美国的某些社会现象,但是当他触及到一下子自己不了解的专业领域时,是不是应该认真做功课呢?对于很多不清楚NBA商业运作的影迷来说,这部电影完全就是具有误导性的,况且片中还请了几个NBA球星,使得电影表面上的专业性更强。这是我无法接受这部电影的原因。